❛━. 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 12

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❛━.       𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 12

        Win had never had anything personal against anyone of the same gender being romantically involved. Rather, what surprised him is the unexpected nature of the revelation.

After all, Bright has always appeared somewhat distant because Win never saw him talking to anyone in school. So, it was shocking news to know that Bright had slept with the man before.

Win had been feeling a bit unsettled lately due to the change in Bright's voice. It had been bothering him for quite some time. He couldn't help but feel a tinge of embarrassment when he realized that Bright had overheard their argument.

It wasn't so much that he was concerned about Bright discovering his financial situation, as he didn't place much importance on that. However, it was disheartening to hear his ex-girlfriend's frustration and disappointment after all the dates they had been on together. It left Win feeling a little uneasy.

Win couldn't help but feel a twinge of self-doubt as he considered how Bright might perceive him. In his mind, he imagined Bright's reaction, fearing that he might be seen as nothing more than a pitiful figure. After all, Bright's family is wealthy and well-known to the world due to his father's politics figure.

But the truth is, Win had chosen to live his life a certain way.

Win came from an affluent family. He has everything he could ask for, he could've enjoyed his wealth and boost about with the people around him. He could show off, gain more friends with money or even girlfriends but that's not what he wanted. Due to the lack of the parents affection, Win didn't want to use any of their money.

So he works for his own money and wanted to find true love if that even makes any sense.

He has always been carefree about his image and appearance and thought that Minnie would be okay with it since she said she likes him. That's when it came to him like: "ah! She's the one." but that wasn't it.

When they got together at one point, and soon enough he told her that he started working part time to earn money. She was okay with it and supported him. We used to enjoy having meals at the street stall and have good time hanging out.

After all, they were just teenage kids in their final high school years.

Slowly, she started pointing out things like wanting Win to buy new slippers since his old ones always came off. But he told her that it's still wearable, because he could still stick back together. She wasn't happy when Win said that and kept on telling him how embarrassed she was to be seen with him wearing those work out slippers.

Win doesn't wear fancy clothing, and she would often start complaining how she didn't want her friends to see him wearing just a t-shirt with washed out jeans that looks like he's been wearing them for forever.

Then Win started noticing how her affection changes throughout the months they've continued dating.

She started nagging at how much Win would spend time skateboarding, or complaint about how he always brought her to their usual stall to have dinner. Her displeasure soon started getting more and more obvious to this point; cheating.

Then it took Win a while to realise, ah, she probably just stayed because she pitied him.

"You definitely looked like a truck just ran you over." A voice snaps Win out of his thoughts. Mond who was the one that skated past Win, stops with a sight as he picks up his skateboard with one kick.

Win scowl at him before getting off the seating bench.

"Did something happen between you and that kid?" Mark asks, causing Win to lift his gaze with surprising swiftness. Win blinks his eyes, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected question.

He finds himself momentarily lost for words, trying to process the questions.


"You've been acting all weird since that day." AJ says, raising his eyebrows as he picks his skateboard.

"Weird? How weird?" Win let out a soft sigh, his brows furrowing as he gently shook his head. It seemed as though he was deep in thought, contemplating something that troubled him.

"You haven't been bothering him for a few days now. Usually you would be asking for him." Neo says, raising his eyebrows curiously as he looks over at Win.


It's the dead of night, and Win is tossing and turning, unable to catch a wink of sleep. Every time he shuts his eyes, his mind is bombarded with thoughts of that moment when Bright casually dropped the news about hooking up with the guy his ex was caught cheating with.

Fast forward to 2 am, and there's Win, sitting in his kitchen, clutching a glass of water like it's his lifeline, highly doubting that Bright is the type of guy who would have hooked up with a partner. Win has no clue about that at all. From what Win had seen, Bright doesn't strike him as the kind of person who would do something like that.


Win almost jumped out of his chair when he heard the loud sound from outside his front door.


See, Win imagination can run wild because it's 2 am, and honestly being frank, he is scared of ghost.


Win frowned as he heard the cuss while nearing his door to peek through the peephole. He only sees Bright struggling to get his own door open.


Win watches how Bright hit his head against the door as his hands were doing almost nothing to get his door open.

"why can't I get– ugh!" there's Bright, a high schooler, who's drunk on a weekday night.

"You're causing a scene..." Win mutter quietly as he tries to help Bright to get up from the floor.

Bright looks up at Win and drunkenly smiles.

This kid can smile? Win clears his throat and help him with his keys.

"Let me just get you inside..." Win involuntarily help him to get inside of his apartment.

The moment Win got inside while supporting Bright's body against his, he couldn't help but to wonder how Bright is able to live in an empty apartment. It looks bare with only a sofa in the living room. Nothing else.

No decoration, no photos, no TV.

"yet-mair! motherfucker!"

Win instantly froze when Bright began swearing.

Shaking his head, Win then found the only room in the apartment. He couldn't even process his thoughts over how Bright is able to survive living alone like this.

There's nothing in the room.

No bed. No nothing.

"Put me doooowwwnn!" Bright began slurring his words as his arms moves about, wanting to be let go.

Hesitantly, Win brought him back out to the living room and put him carefully on the sofa.

It took Win a moment to catch his breath after putting him on the sofa. The place looks really empty and cold.

"I want water..." Bright groan as he moves and scratches his neck.

Without thinking, Win went and get him a glass of water. After giving it to him, he stopped for a moment and looked at Bright. Win realised that if Bright didn't wear the frown often, he would have been popular. The smile he casts whilst drunk is really good. Adorable he would have said that loud if he wasn't cautious around him.

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