❛━. 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 04

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❛━.       𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 4

        Win couldn't quite grasp why he felt so unsettled whenever he saw Bright all by himself. He was genuinely puzzled by the fact that he had never witnessed Bright engaging in conversation with anyone at school.

The reason for this, Win realized, was that he had never actually heard Bright speak, which is why he had never taken notice of him being in the same class. When the teacher instructed the entire class to form groups for projects, it was noticeable that Bright consistently chose to work alone.

The hoodie that Bright always wears to school is something that Win cannot get his mind out of. It's a deep navy blue hoodie, with a worn-out logo of a band that Win has never heard of. Despite the teacher calling him out multiple times, Bright doesn't bother taking it off. It's as if the hoodie is a part of him, an extension of his identity. But because the teachers had learnt who Bright's father is, they let him wear it even if it's against the rules.

Win often struggles to handle the heat, especially during the scorching summer days when the sun beats down mercilessly. But when he sees Bright confidently walking around, his hoodie pulled up over his head, it makes Win feel even hotter.

"You know, it's really a mystery to me how he manages to score lower than you on that test. I mean, he looks like he studies more than you..." AJ leaned in closer to Win, his voice filled with genuine curiosity and a touch of concern as he spoke.

Then they had just witnessed Bright casually strolling past them, seemingly uninterested and bored.

Win turned to look at AJ, feeling a mix of frustration and confusion. He couldn't decide whether to give his friend a playful slap on the back or simply come to terms with the fact that he wasn't the lowest-ranked student in their class test this time. However, something happened the other day that caught Win's attention. He witnessed Bright skillfully solving a challenging paper at the bench table.

"Wasn't he the last one to submit the papers?" Win asks as he enjoys his ice cool drink.

Now, he and his friends are seated at the tables in the canteen, enjoying each other's company and the delicious food during their break time.

"I heard from Look that Bright submitted a blank paper." Neo says as he eats another spoonful of his food.

Win scratches his head as he tries to figure out. It was bothering him at some point.

"Blank paper?" Mark appeared to be quite surprised as he gazed at Neo with his mouth is full of food.

"Eerr, he said that Bright was just asleep throughout the test." Neo confirms as he remembers what Look had told him.

"Wait, so Bright actually ranked last in class this month, just cause he hand in a blank test paper? Not Win? The one who studied with us last weekend?" Mond couldn't help but let out a chuckle as he processed the news. His amusement was obvious in his voice as he found this turn of events quite unexpected.

As Mond's laughter filled the table, everyone's attention shifted towards him. The sound of snickering echoed through the air, but Win's reaction was quite different. With a piercing glare, it was clear that he had reached his limit and had no patience for Mond's amusement.

Mond gently clears his throat and awkwardly coos at Win.

"Ai sat!" Win hiss at Mond and tosses an ice cube towards Mond's face.

"Shouldn't you feel a little better? I mean, you're not the last one anymore," Neo chuckles heartily, savouring every bite of his meal, when suddenly, out of nowhere, an ice cube comes flying towards him.

Win shoots his friends a disapproving look, clearly unimpressed by their jokes and let out an exasperated sigh and a dramatic slump of his shoulders.

"What do you think? The teacher is still busy chasing after my ass. And my grandmother... She'll probably nag at me till my ears bleed," Win mutters bitterly and shudders as he remembers how badly he was nagged last month for failing the papers.

"Admit it... You're just stupid... You're smart when it comes to skateboarding only right?" Mark playfully taunts his friend, unable to contain his laughter.

Again, Win throws the remaining ice cubes that he had to Mark.


"Oh, luuk, son, you're back," a warm, feminine voice greets as soon as Bright step through the front door.

Bright's grip tightens on his bag and his jaw clenches as he hears the voice.

"Have you eaten dinner?" The lady, smiling, approaches him and asks if he has eaten dinner but Bright, without looking at her, doesn't respond.

Bright remained silent, feeling unfamiliar with the lady's presence in the house. He walked past her with his head lowered, pausing only when he heard his father's voice.

"Is that how you show respect to your mother?" The father voiced his disapproval of his son's treatment of his wife, asking if this was his way of showing respect.

When Bright learned that his father was remarrying only two years after the passing of his mother couldn't feel anything. Because normal men would have mourned the loss of their wives, but his father is different. Even at the age of 10, it was crystal clear to Bright that his parents marriage was a total train wreck. The memories he has of his mom looking all gloomy and shattered are just downright unpleasant. Their argument was so consistent that it escalated to violence.

Bright reluctantly bows to the woman who is smiling regretfully in his direction.

"Satisfied? Good night, I'm heading to my room now," Bright says bitterly to his father.

Bright couldn't understand why a woman in her late thirties would marry a man in his fifties, even though he had no reason to dislike her. He did admit that she was pretty and had an hourglass body shape. Bright thought she could have chosen a younger-looking man instead of his father. Surprisingly, despite her age, she had a son who was at least four years older than Bright.

"I had a call from your teacher again this afternoon," his father says after taking a deep breath and glares at his son.

Bright wasn't surprised to hear his father saying the teacher called.

"She said you submitted a blank test paper... Why the hell did you do that? Are trying to bring shame to my name?" The man's voice grew harsher as he clenched his fist, his glare fixed on Bright.

Bright glanced back at his father, his face betraying a hint of boredom. It was as if he had become accustomed to his father's way of speaking to him. Surprisingly, his father's words didn't seem to affect him emotionally.

"Then, it's okay for you to ruin my future?" Bright's voice is filled with anger as he confronts the man, reminding him about the car accident that resulted in him injuring his leg.

Without hearing what the man had to say next, Bright goes up the stairs, completely ignoring him. He can hear the woman's voice soothing his father with gentle, comforting words fading in the background.

Bright life may appear beautiful on the surface, but it is just as stifling as those soap operas play about wealthy children on television. The pressure to show an ideal image, the constant observation from others, and the never-ending expectations may be exhausting. It's like being confined to a gold cage, where freedom is restricted and truth is sacrificed for looks.

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