Chapter 11: Science Camp

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Estella's POV

"I wish I was in my bed right now hiding from the kids trying to read a book," I whisper as we slow down to catch our breath. Dylan stops and looks at me making me want to shrink to the size of a penny.

"You read? Like on purpose?" He asks as I narrow my eyes and mock him. He laughs as we continue walking to the dock, "I never knew you were a secret nerd," he smirks.

"Says you Mr. Science Camp," I say as he starts walking faster, "We are both secret nerds," I defend.

"Whatever. I'd rather talk about your interesting side," he says making me scoff, "You and Nick," he flatly says as I glance at him quickly.

"What about us?" I ask.

"So, there is an us?" He smiles. I fumble with the hem of my shirt as he starts thinking of all the questions he wants to ask, "How long have you had the hots for the thunder from down under?" He asks making me cringe.

I shake my head, "Never say that ever again. But if you must know...all summer," I say making him grimace, "and before you say something about making a move...I know I fumbled," I sigh.

"You did but who knows where tonight will lead us. Isn't there always the two kids who run off to have sex in these kinds of things?" He asks making me genuinely laugh.

"I'm not going to be an easy target just for some action," I tell him as he nods in agreement, "I don't know. He's just out of my league and we spent a lot of time together this summer. I didn't want to ruin it," I reveal.

"You do know what you look like, right? I'm pretty sure Nick's never even kissed a girl before," he says sounding serious, "Well I guess after the truth or dare game he has," he says wiggling his eyebrows.

"You're a weirdo," I state as he lets out a big laugh, "seriously, you live for this shit. A true drama addict," I giggle.

"Yeah yeah"

It does silent for a moment as we think about where we are right now. I would rather talk to Dylan for the rest of the night about drama than have to deal with reality. "Tonight is not how I thought it was going to be," I say for the hundredth time tonight, "I just wish there was a way for us to call for help...maybe we can climb the small mountain and get better service?" I say trying to think of ideas.

"Kaitlyn and I tried it earlier. Nothing works. This camp is in the middle of nowhere which just makes this situation so much better for us," he says sarcastically. The closer we get the more nervous I feel about them not being there. It's too silent for them to be swimming around.

"Do you think?" I ask when we get there and see no sign of them. Dylan shakes his head and convinces me they are fine. There's nowhere else they could be right now. They wouldn't just wander around the woods all night, "Maybe we should head back?" I question as he tries to stall for a moment. He whisper yells Kaci's name but there's no response back. I do the same thing for Jacob and still nothing, not that we are loud enough for them to hear.

I can tell both of our spirits are low making this mission feel like a waste of time, "I was thinking about the radio shack," he says breaking me out of my funk, "There's a radio and it's worth a shot to try and get it up and running to broadcast a message," he says as we get back onto the main path.

"Do you think it will work?" I ask as he shrugs his shoulders.

"It's better than nothing. But we should get the group and maybe convince Kaitlyn to give up that gun," he says as I widen my eyes and freeze in my tracks. His eyes meet mine and none of us want to move but Dylan slowly turns his head. I yell for him to run and it's like everything around me becomes silent and overwhelming loud at the same time. My shoes slip on a root sticking up from the ground making me lose my balance. Whatever attacked Abi is right behind me and I scramble to my feet. I can hear Dylan screaming my name but nothing is coming out to respond to him.

There are two paths ahead of me. I chose the one leading to the shady glade that I would go to all the time. I know the paths and hiding spots from wanting space from the kids. A yelp leaves my lips as a claw slides across the skin of my shoulder leaving the fabric hanging off the sleeve. A gunshot goes off making the beast scurry off as I lean against a tree to catch my breath. I gasp when the man comes out of nowhere and grips my side so I can't move. My eyes are wide and my arms are stuck to my side.

His voice is a ramble of broken sentences as I try to think of an escape plan, "stop squirming girl," he says sounding like a kid. Nothing he's saying makes any sense, "I'm trying to help you," he grumbles trying to look for something. I wish for nothing more than for Dylan to run out here and help me but I know that's not going to happen. So I hope he's running back to camp now.

He pulls a tiny vile out of his bag making me panic. I try to push him off me but my frame is half the size of his, "Please," I whisper as he rips it open with his teeth and pours it all over my face. I shut my eyes as tightly as I tried to shimmy from him.

I wipe the liquid from my mouth and eyes as he pulls a walkie-talkie out of his pocket, "I blooded one of them. I'm looking for him now," he says before turning around. Him? Dylan? I use this opportunity to run as far as I can as fast as I can. My hands are covered in red making me queasy as I think of all the things it could be. The smell is overtaking my senses making the panic in my stomach travel up my throat. I hold myself up to a tree as I release all the fear and adrenaline onto the floor of the forest.

"This cannot be happening," I whisper to myself as I look around for Dylan. He has to be okay. Everything is so turned around until I find the tree. The tree that I have spent nearly every summer night against. I hide behind it and close my eyes trying to slow my breathing down. My hands don't look like my own...the only thing getting this sticky red liquid off my face are the tears rolling down my cheeks. This can't be blood. Why would he have a vile of blood?

What kind of sick place is this? I should have never accepted the job offer. I should have never dragged Kaci into this with me. She would be far away from this mess...wherever she is. If she's still alive. I'm alone in the woods with hunters and a beast that most likely has my scent...I've officially hit rock bottom.

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