Chapter One: Packing Up

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Estella's POV

"Kaci, I'm not carrying your bags for you, "I state dragging my bags to the door. She leans up from her spot on the bunk bed and flips over dramatically.

"I don't want to leave. I'm gonna miss everybody," she says, "This is why men are here to lift our bags," she adds as I laugh.

"Like who? Do you really think Dylan will come and help us lift?" I ask as she lifts her head back up, "I didn't think so," I tease. I bend down to grab a teddy bear off the ground as the door slams open. I jump falling onto my ass as Emma and Abi stand up.

"What the hell was that?" Kaci asks with wide eyes as she jumps down from the bunk.

"Oh...we didn't know you guys were in here," Emma says as she adjusts her shirt, "But now that we are inside we can get our bags and go," she smiles.

Kaci groans and dramatically sits in the bed hugging the post of the bed, "Are you guys not sad in the slightest?" She asks.

"I am but I also miss my own bed and being able to take a decent shower," Abi says as she secures her bag on her shoulder.

"We all know who Stella's gonna miss," Emma pokes making my face blush red. I turn to grab my bag as they all start teasing me, "Come on it's the last day...what's the worst that could happen?" She says.

"Nick definitely likes you," Kaci says in a singsong voice.

"We are friends and that's it. I'm not going to ruin that because I have a silly little crush on him," I say for the thousandth time this month.

"What about Emma's silly crush on Jacob at the beginning of camp?" Abi says as Emma slaps her shoulder.

"We hooked up twice the first week and then pretended like it didn't happen," she says flipping her hair.

"I can't believe we missed that," I laugh as Kaci agrees. It's so weird that Max and Laura never showed up. I'm not mad about it, it was fun being their replacements. The money was good...kind of.

"We should get going before Ryan freaks out," Emma says as Kaci grabs her bag that weighs one hundred pounds.

"I'm gonna miss this smelly cabin," I say as we walk to the door, "Wait," I yell as I put my bag on the floor. I bend down and grab my knife out. Abi backs away a little like she always does when she sees a weapon. I walk to the doorframe and carve out my initials before handing it to Emma, "Now the camp will never forget us," I smile.

"How could they forget the best counselors this camp has ever seen?" Kaci says handing the knife to Abi, "you guys ready?" She asks. Everyone starts walking out but Abigail says she's going to take another look around to make sure she didn't forget anything. I walk down the stairs and look around at everything I'll probably never see again. The tires around the tree and the note that a kid carved into the tree.

Ryan and Dylan forever

I guess one of the kids picked up the vibes we were. We love an inclusive camp, "Abi, hurry up," Emma yells as we start heading to the golf cart. We throw the bags onto the back and Kaci holds onto the back of the cart cause her seat is taken.

"Look at you daredevil," I joke as she does a couple of superhero poses. Abi almost crashes the cart making her fly into my lap, "Woah, you're falling for me," I whisper as she raises an unimpressed eyebrow.

"You practicing for Nick?" She says as I push her off me when we stop. The four of us grab our bags as we walk in on the guys talking about the journey home.

"What did we miss?" Abi asks as she throws her bag inside. One of the handles of my bag slips out of my hand and Nick bends down to help me. His hand grazes mine and I stand up feeling my cheeks light up.

"Thanks," I whisper as he gives me a bashful smile. I see Dylan smirking behind him and he turns his head to Ryan as I stand up fully.

Mr. H comes out and argues with Dylan about the phones for a little before Ryan walks up to help him find the keys. I turn to Kaci but she's already talking with Jacob and Kaitlyn.

"Are you excited to get home?" Nick asks making me jump. He apologizes as we both laugh at my jumpy nature, "It's going to be weird not seeing you every day," he says making my heart swell.

"I know. Eating without Dylan's morning announcements is going to be so boring," I joke.

"You know what I thought about last night," he says as I look over at him, "None of us stayed up to see the sunrise. It was the first thing we talked about when you got here," he points out.

"I totally forgot about that. I was so worried about Kaci and me being the new counselors. That was the night we all bonded over hating Timmy from bunk 3," I smile.

"He was always pulling pranks on the girl cabins. Poor little dude will never realize he's not funny," he says as Ryan comes walking down the stairs with Mr. H.

"Ready to go campers?" He asks. Jacob cheers and gets into the front seat to start the car. He starts it up but nothing happens. Ryan, Mr. H, and Jacob start talking before I hear the hood of the car slam and Mr. H scream.

I jump and look at Kaci as he starts pacing before going to his car. He starts talking to Ryan again as everyone looks at each other. Jacob's face looked less freaked out than the rest of us. His car zooms away leaving the rest of us to look at each other.

"You've got to be kidding me?" Emma says as she realizes we are stuck at this camp for one more night.

"Come on guys," Kaci says trying to help the situation, "One last night without any adults sounds kind of fun," she says as some of us smile.

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