001 | I'm always nice

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Percy laid still on the bed the canopy hiding the duo standing over him. Both girls had their arms crossed and seemed to be arguing with hushed tones. He began to stir and his eyes slowly blinked open, vision blurred as he looked up at them. Both girls feeling his stare turned to look down at him.

The shorter girl with dark skin and braided hair was the first to speak, "you drool when you sleep," she spook to him which only added to Percy's growing confusion.

"You drool when you sleep? What the hell was that?" The other girl said voice still in a hushed tone.

"What? It's true."

"Makes you sound creepy Annie," though her voice was low and whispered Percy could hear the condescending and baiting undertones in the rude girls voice.

"Do you ever shut up?"


Percy groaned eyes squeezing shut as he felt sleep over take him once again. The rude girl looked over him and huffed.

"Well he's not dead yippee, guess my job is done."

Percy didn't hear more as the darkness of sleep takes him. If he did he would have heard the rude girl mumble 'gods he does drool, disgusting'


Clover was sat on her bunk as she shuffled a deck of cards in her hand. Percy walked in and towards his bunk that had been placed next to hers. She paid him no mind and continued with her cards, she slowly began to lay them face down wanting to find a way to pass the time by.

A prickle went up her spine as she felt a pair of eyes boring into her. She looked up and blinked at the blonde surfer wannabe looking boy staring at her.

She blinked her eyes in confusion, "Uhh...wanna play go fish?"

Percy blinked back, "what?"

"What? You not know what Go Fish is?" She goaded with a smirk.

Percy bristled, "I know what Go Fish is."


"I do!"

Clover raised her hands up in surrender still grinning "I believe you,"

Percy huffed and rolled his eyes, "You were that rude girl from the other night right?"

She gawked, "Rude?"

"You said your job was done."

"When was I rude?"

"What did you mean?"

"I was not rude!"

"You were, what did you mean?"

She scoffed and stood up tossing the cards on the bed deciding to find something else to occupy her time, "To make sure you had enough luck not to like die or whatever Chiron was worrying about, which I'm starting to regret now,"  she stepped towards the door with her arms crossed. As she walked out she turned back to him with a fierce glare and hurriedly flipped him off, and then she was gone.

Percy gaped at her as she walked off, "Well she seems nice."

Clover stomped out of the cabin grumbling incoherently to herself as she made her way to the archery range. Where a small group of Apollo campers were gathered. A thirteen year old blonde girl stood near the front. Twin braids hung over her shoulders and a simple necklace with four beads hung around her neck.

She held a bow in her arms the arrow covered in a flame, and as Clover walked up to her she nocked it and fired. Clover gave a whistle as it landed dead center. Marigold turned on her heals and smiled.

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