Part 4 - Split up?

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"Why do we always split up?" Isaac sighs

"Technically splitting up is something you do by choice. We just lost each other" Stiles responds

"Right Sorry, not helping" Stiles says in response to his own comment

They stand there in silence contemplating what they should do next when finally Scott says something. 

"We should split up" Scott says, shrugging as he  directly looks at Isaac

"Dude really? We just talked about this" Isaac and Stiles say almost in perfect unison.

"Jinx. But really, lets take it slow and actually  think about it" Stiles says

"Where would you go if your house was flooded" Stiles asks Scott

"The loft?" Scott says, questioning himself

"Bingo. Lets go check, and I mean all of us should go check this time instead of splitting up." Stiles says as he holds his hands out towards Scott

"What?" Scott says

Stiles stares at him for a little bit longer with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh" Scott passes by Stiles his keys and Isaac climbs in as they begin to drive towards Derek's loft.  

"Hey, my dads calling me so I've gotta go for now. When I get home I can look at our beastiary and text you guys if I find anything. Let me know if anything happens." Allison says as she quickly hurries home. At that note, everyone disperses.


Somehow Stiles's car is the first to pull into the driveway of Derek's loft. It really was unaffected and no pipes were busted. They open the door knob to see  Lydia sitting next to an empty fireplace. When she sees them, a happy look quickly turns into despair. 

"Where's Kira? Did you guys not find her?" Lydia asks 

"I went to her house but I couldn't find her" Scott answers

"She was just here like twenty minutes ago. She told me she was going to go look for you guys and asked me to stay here." Lydia said, about to bite her nails when she realized how good they looked and stopped. 

"We have to find her, and this time I'm not going to be left alone" Lydia said as she got up and walked over to Stiles.

"Alright lets go then" Stiles says as he swings his keys around his finger. Scott and Isaac head towards the car again. 

"Well.. Not you" Lydia says bluntly

"We need to figure out what's going on. Think you could find something about it?" Lydia asks

"Sure" Stiles says, trying to hide the hint of bitterness in his voice as much as possible

"Keys please" Lydia says before snatching them from his finger

Lydia climbs into the car with Scott and Isaac. 

"So whats the real reason you didnt want Stiles coming?" Isaac says as soon as Lydia shuts the car door

Scott shifts his attention towards Lydia, expecting an answer

"Do you werewolves always have to be so nosy. Mind your own business and stop listening into my conversations. I have nothing to tell you" Lydia says, staring dead into Isaac's eyes before starting the car.

"C'mon, Kiras waiting" Lydia says as the car lunges to life.


The ride home had been a slow process for Derek and Peter. For whatever reason they kept making stupid stops to pick up stupid things and Peter wouldn't tell Derek why he was getting what he was getting. Whenever Derek asked him he would just give him some stupid answer to roundabout the question. Derek stared out into the forest as Peter plucked off a spikey leaf from one of the many trees surrounding the loft. 

"Are you done yet?" Derek groans

"Wow, you sound just like a child. But yes, Im done for now. Could you drop me off at Deatons? I have a few things I'd like to discuss with him." Peter says, reminiscing about his youth. 

The ride to Veterinarians hospital waws considerably more eventful than watching Peter look for random things. Derek was even sure he saw Peter counting the amount of blades of grass he found under a log. He wanted to just forget about everything and stop paying attention, but knowing Peter he would be up to no good. He had just hoped that Deaton would be able to have better sense than to completely trust him.  After he dropped of Peter, it was only a matter of minutes before he was back home. He hadn't received any text and was starting to get worried.

He swung the doors of his loft open to see Stiles alone. He was sitting on the couch next to the fire place, reading something on his computer. Stiles was so focused that he didn't even hear the doors hitting the wood on the side of the loft. Derek could see the concentration on his face and didn't dare to disrupt. He just watched and marveled as Stiles's eyes swept over the page, dissecting every word and page. Derek liked the quiet Stiles. Its not as if he hated the loud, talkative, and mostly obnoxious Stiles, but the quiet Stiles was like a whole new person. He had only seen the quiet Stiles whenever they were up late researching on random things. Suddenly, Stiles's eyes met with Dereks.

"Have you been there the whole time? Seriously you could've made some noise instead of scaring me like that" Stiles said. There went the quiet Stiles, and the loud Stiles was back. 

"Where are the rest of them?" Derek said, ignoring Stiles question

"Oh, we found Lydia. She was here with Kira. She said that Kira went to go look for us but we never came across her so they went to go find Kira. Im just here looking for what could've caused this mess. Also the service is out so we cant call or text" Stiles said in a serious tone

Derek nodded his head and walked over to the kitchen. He pulled out two mugs, one green and one red.

"Coffee? Looks like were gonna be up for a while" Derek said

Stiles smiled at the "we" part. He nodded his head and went back to looking online. Derek came back and handed Stiles his cup of Coffee, exactly the way he liked it. Derek sat next to stiles and  looked in a exact copy of the Argent's bestiary for any clue on what this could be. It was getting harder for him to exactly pinpoint what these events could be. He wasnt as knowledgeable as his mother in things like this and he hated it. It made him feel useless. It was completely quiet other than the crackling of the fire, and the occasional drinking or slurping of coffee and flipping pages. Stiles loved this side of Derek. The side where he wasn't completely stoic but still calm. Stiles had rarely gotten to see this side of Derek. A side where he was happy and nice. It was like a dream to be around him like this. 

It had gotten late and still no form of contact from either Lydia, Allison, or Peter. Derek and Stiles were getting tired. Empty cups of coffee and papers were spread everywhere on the table. The coffee wasnt really working at this point. They slowly got closer to sleep, struggling to keep their eyes open. Stiles was the first to fall asleep, leaning his head on Dereks shoulder. Derek contemplated shoving him off, but he enjoyed Stiles touch. Derek soon followed, falling asleep next to Stiles. Oblivious of anything that could have happened to their friends, they slept peacefully.

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