Part 3 - So it begins

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Allison and Isaac pull up into the driveway of the pool together in Allison's car, and not too much later a black car drives in. Out from the driver's side comes Peter Hale. Stiles, well pretty much everyone, had always hated Peter. It's not like he had done anything recently but him being around made them pretty anxious. Especially Stiles, he was just a human that couldn't protect himself against something as strong as a werewolf, even if it was a former alpha. All of Stiles worries disappeared when he saw Derek climb out of the car. Stiles never knew why, but whenever Derek was around he was always so much more calmer. Though he didn't know it, Stiles had the same effect on Derek. It was for this reason that they spent so many nights together, researching by themselves on various supernatural things. Maybe deep down Stiles really knew the reason why he was like that around Derek, but he would never admit it to anyone else, let alone himself. Stiles never liked to admit anything that he kept to himself. And one of these days, it would surely come back to be his ruin.

"Did you really have to bring him along?" Stiles asked Derek, as he ran up to the pack. 

"Would you rather him come alone and unsupervised?" Derek said, with a smirk on his face

"no" Stiles mumbled, even though he knew Derek's supernatural sense of hearing would catch it. Peter's would too.

"Hey, you know I can hear you right. That really hurts, It brings a tear to my eye. You guys are really insensitive and I think its time we talked about it" Peter says, obviously joking

"Why did I even bring you" Derek says, shaking his head towards the ground as his smile fades.

"Oh wow, its almost like I just asked you that" Stiles says whiles punching his shoulder and laughing

"Whatever. You guys okay?" Derek asks, switching into a serious tone. He looks at everyone as they each nod their heads.

"Scott. Where's Kira?" Derek asks

"What?" Scott responds, with a confused look on his face

"I'm not stupid, I know you two have been doing whatever you two have been doing. Where is she?" Derek says as he walks up to Scott

"First of all, that doesn't even make any sense. Second of all, I really don't know, she's probably in her house..." Scott said. The look on his face was saying that he was beginning to connect the dots.

"Oh crap. Stiles I'm taking your car. I promise I'll be careful with it, and Ill be back soon" Scott says. His shoes barely hit the ground twice before they were already in the car. He was gone, just like that.

"Great. We're already split up" Isaac says, making Stiles jump.

"When'd you guys get here" Stiles screams. Isaac walks over to the body

"Pretty much at the same time we did" Peter says, as he follows Isaac over to the body

They all walk over to the body, where Allison is already kneeling over it. She seems to be checking her pulse. Stiles gags upon barely seeing the body. There was a huge splatter of blood everywhere. Stiles's eyes slowly track up the body. From the feet, to the legs, to the stomach, and finally to the neck. Half of the entire neck was punctured. Stiles backs up a little bit from the others, away from the body. He wasnt a big fan of blood, especially when it was the blood from some girl's neck that had a huge hole in it. He tries to change the subject as Allison is already making a synopsis about the body.

"Sooooooo. How are you guys' houses?" He says, in a playful tone. Though everyone can tell that he's just trying to lighten the situation.

"What?" Derek says, clearly confused.

"The houses? You didnt see them on your way here? Most of them our flooded, mines completely crushed." Isaac says. His eyes were still lingering over the body, as he couldnt quite seem to take his eyes off of it yet.

"The loft is completely fine. Not even a leak." Peter says, just as confused as they are.

"Thats really weird" Isaac says, finally drawing his attention towards Peter.

"Actually, my house is fine too" Allison says.

"Okay, It seems as if she died this morning around 6:00 am, 7 hours ago. Her blood is pretty cold and dried up. It looks as if she died through being stabbed through the neck" She says, physically making Stiles recoil as she states the method of death, most likely murder though.

"Scotts back" Isaac says, his werewolf hearing picking up on Stiles car a street down. Scott frantically turns back in to the pool parking lot.

"Kiras gone" Scott says, a worried look creeping across his face

"And by the looks of it. Lydia too" 

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