Part 3: Chapter 29

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Gaius rushed into the room with Morgana directly behind.

The two of them were equally shocked at the sight of Merlin covered in bruises and bleeding.

Gaius moved quickly to investigate Merlin's wounds as Morgana stood back, clearly concerned and wanting nothing more than for Merlin to be alright.

Arthur saw that Merlin was beginning to struggle to stay awake, and he was quickly growing very concerned.

He did his best to keep Merlin conscious, caressing his cheek and running his hand through Merlin's hair as he spoke.

"Hey, stay awake for me, okay? Who did this to you, Merlin?"

Merlin did his best to keep himself conscious, mumbling a few words under his breath as he struggled to keep his eyes open.

However, it seemed as if the worst of the injury had finally passed, as Gaius checked under the cloth and saw that the bleeding had stopped and only left a slight stain.

The situation was clearly getting better, although the bruises and pain he felt were clearly taking quite the toll on him still.

Gaius washed Merlin's wound gently with soap and water, hoping to clean out as much of the blood as possible before applying any other type of ointment.

Merlin cried out in pain when Gaius poured some antiseptic ointment on the wound, the stinging pain causing him to bury his face into Arthur's shoulder in order to muffle the stinging pain.

Arthur held Merlin's head against him as he did his best to try and calm him down and reassure him that the pain would soon pass.

Morgana saw how gentle Arthur was being with Merlin and began to smile.

She quickly went about calling in some other servants to help, as Gaius asked the maids for gauze and bandages.

Arthur also told some of the servants to get Merlin some food, realizing that he had been injured and may not have eaten in a while.

Gaius quickly wrapped the gauze and bandages around Merlin's wrist and made sure to wrap it tightly and securely enough to prevent any further bleeding.

Arthur made sure to keep Merlin's head against his shoulder and ran his hand gently through Merlin's hair to soothe him.

He spoke softly and reassuringly to Merlin, hoping to calm him down and reassure him that the pain would soon pass and he would be okay.

Gaius finished tending to Merlin's wound, asking Arthur and Morgana to ensure that Merlin was given good food and that his arm was kept elevated to reduce any further bleeding or swelling.

Morgana nodded her head in agreement and then Arthur continued to keep Merlin in his arms, ensuring that he was as comfortable as possible given the circumstances.

Gaius quickly examined the remaining injuries, which consisted of some bruising on Merlin's side as well as a small cut.

He then proceeded to take care of both of these, making sure that both were properly bandaged and cleaned.

"You'll be alright, I promise.." He whispered in an effort to reassure him of his wellbeing.

Merlin took comfort in Arthur's gentle voice and nodded slightly in response, even as he still felt the painful effects of his injuries.

Gaius noticed the way that Arthur was treating Merlin, gently and with care.

He caught Morgana's eye and gave her a knowing smile before she herself came forward with some pillows to keep Merlin's wrist elevated.

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