"There's none on any of you..." Thad pointed out, literally pointing at their face, their clothes, their hair... Then a new problem started to rise, the question of how nothing got on them with such a horrid splattering of blood... How it seemed to get nowhere.


"Calm down, please! There's a chance they could still hear us." They all stopped quickly after that, sealing their mouths shut. They all sat silently, staring up at him and peeking back at the glass doors to make sure that fear wasn't confirmed true, besides the one in a purple jacket. Raj held his hands close to his chest, together, staring around the floor as his legs huddled close... Then he looked up after the room went quiet for seconds.

"... Where's Oscar?" The boy asked, clutching his arms tighter, but Henry wasn't sure what he meant. He barely remembered the kids' names, but he knew his tall friend was... He looked around the floor near them, then around as the others joined, and he wasn't there.

"Where's Greg?!" Dwight then asked, beginning another sense of rising tension, one that was getting to him as well. He didn't know who "Greg" was, but quickly glanced back at him to do a headcount. Dwight, the brown curly haired kid, Becka, the rude one, Thad, the cheater, Eric, the other cheater, Raj... He thinks, the thief's helper... That was only five. There were more. Two blonde girls that got caught shoplifting in the act, nowhere near any of them when shit went down, Oscar, the thief, and the quiet kid who helped him find the thieves in the first place... but the other two were with them when they started to run... He ran back over to the doors, growing pale at the thought of missing the two when they ran inside and seeing their blood on the glass, but nothing was there. The only abnormal thing close was a few pieces of metal glimmering on the floor, and they would've heard their screams if they got attacked or left out. That only meant one thing. They're-

"They're still OUT THERE?!" Dwight leaped onto his feet, jumping closer to the security as he asked the obvious out loud. He knew it was true though; they were out there somewhere. Either ran away from them after they started to fall behind, or never even followed in the first place, with them all too occupied to notice... He started to massage his forehead in hopes it would get rid of the stress, and remember how he could've been so unfocused and blind to not notice. Now they were all in even more danger, separated.

"WE GOTTA GO BACK-" He started running to the door, but the guard swooped in front of him to stop Dwight.

"No. No! It's too dangerous." He worriedly held his hands up, as if it would help... He didn't know if it would, but he knew going out there in search of them would only help in making the situation worse. Those things could find them, and sprint at them again. If they did, there was a chance they wouldn't be so lucky, and get even more separated, or even hurt... He may have... still found them all annoying, especially with how little they listened, and slightly annoyed at himself for trusting Clara's word that they'll "turn good" from this, but he didn't want to practically throw them into danger. He hated them for getting into trouble in the first place.

"We don't know-"

"But they could DIE!" Dwight screamed right in his face, flailing his arms around and causing the stress to hit right back into his brain. He knew that, he knew it too well, but his job was to protect. To ensure the safety of everyone residing in the mall... but he couldn't get everyone, so he has to stick to protecting a majority... as much as it stung. Both of them started to hear metallic footsteps get closer, and the guard immediately pushed Dwight away from the door, watching one of the figures pass the glass. It stopped at the third door, the one closest to them, and its legs began to bend closer to it, taking crooked steps. Its charcoal irises moved around the store. They kept backing away and hoped the darkness would block their figures, but its head quickly snapped in a different direction and sprinted away... That was close... too close... He stepped back as the kids grouped back together again.

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