What I Never Said

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Summary: Dan and Phil's relationship told through a series of rare words.
Fluffy and angsty and a lil bit smutty ;)
{9.1k words holy shit}
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Sphallolalia (n.) - flirtatious talk that leads nowhere

The bar itself is scruffy and worn out, filled with the smell of sweat and God knows what else, with people packed inside like gyrating animals. And the people themselves are no better. Dan has yet to find a guy in here who doesn't have the most unruly beard/mustache combo or some disgustingly huge tattoo covering their skin. And some just had downright nasty personalities, using oil slicked charm that reeked of desperation.

But he still tries. Because while he may not be happy with admitting it, he's desperate too. There is no way he's spending another night alone in the dark of his flat, wishing for any kind of company, friendly or otherwise. He's craving contact, and he has somehow deluded himself into thinking he can find it in this cheap bar.

There's a guy across the room, who's been eyeing Dan curiously for a while now. Dan notices, but he doesn't acknowledge it; play hard to get, he thinks slyly. It may be some stupid, movie cliché, but it works most of the time.

And he's cute. The 'I have money but I like to pretend I'm a regular part of society by hanging out in dirty places' kind of cute, but beggars can't be choosers. And it's not like they'll spend more than a few hours together.

Dan takes another sip of the beer in his hand, leaning casually against the bar counter in front of him, trying to give off that 'look at me' vibe. He's sure his tighter-than-skin jeans do a good job with that. And sure enough, out of the corner of his eye, he sees the afore mentioned guy getting up from where he's sitting and making his way over. Dan keeps his smirk to himself.

"Hey." The guy says once he's standing next to Dan, flashing an award winning smile. Their arms are brushing together, but Dan doesn't mind the contact, he's actually reveling in it. He glances over at the stranger, taking in his blond hair and green eyes, and smiles back. "I'm Ryan."

"Dan." Dan replies, reaching out his hand, and Ryan takes it firmly, and they shake.

"How's your night going so far?" Ryan asks, raising a hand at the bartender and pointing to Dan to let him know he have the same.

"A lot better, it seems." Dan answers, biting his lip suggestively. His heart is jumping in his chest at this exchange, and he can't wait to further it. "And you?"

Ryan tips back the bottle in his hand before answering. "Well, I think I might actually be leaving soon." He says, looking rather disappointed. But the look disappears and is smoothly replaced with one of mischief. "If only I had someone to... accompany me." He looks at Dan again, the hint of something promising glinting in his eyes, and Dan almost shivers.

"Mm." Dan murmurs, twisting his beer in his hands. "Sounds like quite a dilemma you have there."

"Truly." Ryan says tauntingly. "I mean, I think you might be- fuck."

Dan stares at him, confused for a second. Then he notices that Ryan is looking past him, at something on the other side of the bar. He turns around, not seeing anything particularly noteworthy; no strangely mysterious people and no aliens that he knows of. But then he catches sight of another guy, a tall, much more muscular guy, who's seemed to have just walked into the place. And he seems to be looking right in their direction.

It takes about three seconds for Dan to realize the situation he's in, and he curses his luck. Just when he thought he was getting somewhere...

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" The new guy says when he reaches them, glaring at Ryan before turning to Dan. "Who's this twink?"

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