1- Day in the life of the office

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A/n - Enjoy some Kaiba art via me, yw <3

Mroow!!! You heard a meow come from the end of the bed. A pillow had been stuffed between your head and the bedside cabinet. You were known to smack your head into things when asleep. Another meow came from your little feline friend. Miso, your cat, had been very hungry. The sun crept it's way into your room where a golden beam hit right above the bedframe, not directly in your eyes but when you sat up, you'd be blinded.

"Miso, I get it.." you grumbled as you rubbed your eyes and stretched, looking at her knead the end of your bed. Your cat made a wonderful alarm clock, but your phone went off beside you in the bedside cabinet as an actual alarm. As the phone buzzed, you snoozed it promptly and got up to begin the day. It was a regular day, nothing special, nothing more than going into the company and getting irritated by trying to pick up the slack of others. You didn't hate your department, nor the people there. Trust me, everyone was nice and did their work, but you felt like nobody could do as good of a job as you. It was hard to keep people on board, the president would fire anyone who didn't meet quota or couldn't complete the same tasks as others. He expected so much out of everyone and used you as the bar. It honestly bothered you so much that he would put a lot of work onto you, which he is very aware about, but puts it on you regardless because you get shit done. It also probably didn't help that most of the time you couldn't care less about what other people think and do whatever is best and logical. Whenever he would assign tasks to you and run errands for the floor, you'd always do something your way and it would piss him off because it wasn't "efficient" or whatever bullshit.

You sighed thinking about it and headed towards Misos automatic feeder to set up a new routine to feed Miso earlier so she wouldn't wake you up like this again. After dispensing the food, Miso ran up to it happily and ate quickly, meowing again upon finishing and rubbing up against your leg. You loved Miso to death and crouched down to pet her. You would talk to her as if she is was a person, and didn't socialize with a lot of people outside of your best friend Roy. He was your gay best friend.

You continued your morning routine, getting breakfast and making a quick cup of coffee. Glancing at the digital clock on the wall, it read 6:43, 'perfect, my schedule is right on time.' You quickly ate and freshened up you hair with dry shampoo and did your makeup routine in the bathroom as well. You didn't want to take a shower this morning as you took a warm bath last night, so dry shampoo was enough to suffice. You headed into the bedroom again to open a closet into your wardrobe and grab a set of clothes prepared the night before. Perfect, a pair of highrise brown slacks was neatly folded with a tan turtle neck and white sweater vest on top of it. It was starting to get warmer outside, but it was damn cold in the Kaiba Corporation building. You swiftly put them on and tossed your pajamas into the dirty clothes hamper. You looked at yourself in the mirror, 'What an absolute fashion icon I am.' you thought to yourself.

There was a lot of clutter on your desk from last night. You stayed up pretty late sketching models and random doodles to get everything in your mind out before going to bed. They say that if you write down all your thoughts before going to bed, it helps you fall asleep. You picked up a sketchpad with a light tan pencil case and shoved various pens and pencils into it. A dark brown breficase was on the side of the small desk, the bow was flattened and made of leather. It was a very pretty briefcase, because you designed and made it, obviously. Shoving your office stuff in there, including your work laptop, you tried your best to keep your hobbies outside the company building, but sometimes the work was so boring you couldn't help but sketch a bit in down time. Upon finding a pair of fun socks to wear, there was a pair of boots waiting to be worn today. You were a business professional woman, but it couldn't hurt to have some fun under the scenes.

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