Chapter 15 | The Navy Ball Part 3

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---Saga: Heart Of A War Machine---

---The East Australian Sea---

---Matthews Point Of View---

Helping the docks, offload iron ore, coastal defense weapons, ammo and rifles by the bulk/crates, uniforms and other military equipment, whilst other dock workers offloaded grain, bread, tea, and other forms of civilian cargo just to help with both national moral and the growing shortage of vital supplies with the loss of British supply and protection to the nation. Accentually, trying to pick up the slack of the abandonment of the British to it's far south Asian section of ocean. The nation back home, is struggling to find the confidence to send cargo abroad after the humiliating defeats against the Sakura Empire over the sea's. Fear of losses to desperately needed vessels of war. I lead the cargo ships, I protect my flock, and I alone escort them through the journey. Nation to nation. Colony to colony. Command fear's that with the sudden pulling back of British naval presence in south asia, hell the lack of presence ABROAD! Japan, Germany, Spain, Vichya France, Italy... The Red Axis will strike twice as hard, fight twice as fast, and capitilize at every turn on the weakness of Britain, of the Royal Navies fear of it's crippling situation that threats them to hell.

The Philippines will soon fall. An when it does. Who will be next to come under siege? Command believes that the likely hood of Australia is incredibly high. Arming them, feeding them supplies, and preparing them is the only option we have. Until the navy can fix it's own shit for round three with the Japanese. The same can be said for south Asian colonies. An other unmentioned nations like Dutch Easts Indies! Another high value. A location I, and my unazured, but brave none the less, Sailors must flood supplies, Guns, Ammo, and equipment into to properly prepare, and arm them for what is to come. Whilst placing a 150 pound crate of ammunition's and guns into a truck, I turn, walking back towards my ship to unload more. The voice of an Australian navy vessel speaks out walking up the pear to assist. The flagship himself, HMAS Australia, a heavy cruiser, of the a ship class named the Country class. Blond hair, 5'9, green eyes, and a respectful tone he spoke on his approach. "Are we allow to place in a request on our next shipments?" it was a simple question, so I answered it whilst walking up the catwalk back aboard my ship, him following intent on assisting the off loading.

"Absolutely. America will provide any and every thing that can and will fit on a boat." I answered, which both laid out the restrictions that whatever was asked for must fit on a boat. But also that the sky could be the limit. "The nation is poor on naval supplies, the British scavenged and rounded up all the ammunition they could on their way back to their mainland. As such we only have the shells aboard our vessels and the fuel to battle one week before total running dry-" Interrupting him as I lifted a crate of coastal defense shells. "Write me a list of the types, caliber, size, and weight per shell of ammunition, gun propellent, and fuel types you need, how many tons of it you want on the next shipments. an I'll personally ensure that the exact amount if not more arrive this time next week." I begin carrying the crate back down the cat walk towards the same truck, him following with a crate of military uniforms and other supplies for an foot soldier to the same truck. "Understood, I'll make a list for you to over look before you leave. I'd also like the voice the nations military concerns for a regiment or two of tanks to use to fend off the threat. Will it be possible to get 100 or 150 tanks along with equipment to man them?" I give an answer and a suggestion. "I can't confirm or deny that request. Any request for items to do with military equipment for ground soldiers I have to run by the nations higher ups. They ultimately decide what ground equipment is allowed to send over sea's and what is not. Naval equipment is different and civilian equipment.

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