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~{Chapter 6}~*This chapter takes place after Isabel and Noah Dox go home after saving their parents and finally defeating "Sasha Nova" their arch-nemesis who got sent to the Phantom Zone to stay there for all eternity... but when they returned to the future in *2050* things changed for the better. I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*Arriving in "2050" in National🏙City*
*4:00 p.m.*
A Time portal opened up in the middle of the streets of the city as Isabel and Noah came out to see that they were back in their time... *2050* to be exact. But it looked different than how they left it like a lot has changed in a short period of time😅. Well, only, through their eyes because they're the only ones who remember that Timeline of their future that they are familiar with Cause to them it was just like yesterday! So, they decided to go look around the city to see what else had changed... but first Isabel and Noah wanted to check in on their parents to see if their mother was really alive.

*An hour later, at the Dox household apartment*
*4:30 p.m.*
"Welcome home, Isabel and Noah!" Future Nia said excitedly happy to them as she hugged🤗her children lovely💓when they walked inside immediately out of the blue. "Mom? You're here." Isabel and Noah questioned softly in happy tears hugging her back happy that it worked after all that they had their mother back and must have grown up with her in this time with her having an amazing, wonderful childhood.
"Yes, of course, I am. My darlings! why wouldn't I be?" she said out loud with excitement expressing herself happily to see them today while asking the obvious of why she wouldn't be here. "I-I. uh," Noah said nervously freezing up unsure of how to answer that and if they should tell their mom about what they've been through. "Nevermind. Mom, it's just good to see you that's all." Isabel added smiling saving Noah.
Noah sighed in relief glad that his sister had his back covering for him😅. She smiled in understanding. "Oh, I see. Well, that I can understand. And I am so very proud of you two," Nia said wisely and mentioned how "proud" she was of Isabel and Noah. Then, Future Brainy walked into the living room coming out of the kitchen to see that his daughter and son were back from their mission. "Oh, you two are back. So, how'd it go at the Legion?" He asked them out of curiosity with a bright smile on his face. "The Legion?!" Isabel and Noah questioned out loud in shock repeating what their father said😅. "Yes, the legion. After all, you Isabel are the Leader. And you both are an Unstoppable sibling duo." Brainy answered his daughter and son to remind them both of their day jobs and roles as Heroes/Protectors of *National🏙City* at the headquarters of the "Legion of Superheroes" and mentioned that they are an Amazing, unstoppable duo together as brother & sister team. "I am?" Isabel questioned loudly in shock and couldn't believe that in this Future she was actually a "Leader" of the *Legion of Superheroes* and had a team. Which wasn't suppose to be formed until further into the Future... such as in the *31st Century* the time where her father was from based on what he told them. Also, she never really thought about herself as that kinda Hero to lead others into Battle. "Of course, you are! Isabel, after all, I was the one who founded it in the first place or did you forget about that?" Brainy reminded his daughter of her role as the "leader" at the Legion after he was and asked if that thought crossed her mind while questioning if Isabel remembered that or not😅.

"Are you two alright? You looked like you'd seen a ghost... and you hugged me. Like you haven't seen or visited me in years," Future Nia asked her children with concern sensing that something seemed off about them. "Oh, it's nothing! Everything's fine... We just had a long day at the Legion. That's all," Isabel said nervously with a fake smile acting like everything was "okay" and pretending to know what her parents were talking about. Because she and Noah weren't familiar with this brave new World🌍and who knows what New changes awaited them. Due to messing up this new Future✨in the Timeline that they created by traveling back to the *Present* saving their parents💙💚from "Sasha Nova" their mortal enemy at their Wedding💍and successfully preventing their mother💙from dying in the future✨. Which changed everything if they say the wrong word it'll be worse so, acting *normal* and lying to their parent's faces was the best/right thing to do. For their sake at least to not make things worse than they already are😰from their standards. She immediately grabbed Noah dragging her brother into their bedroom which looked different seeing all of their family/friends' photos, school pictures, hero training, mathematics composition, science fair, and all their accomplishments in their life from kids to adults. Meaning, today! "Wow, this sure is something. Even our room is different." Noah commented amazed by their new room well, old one😅. So, to say... Isabel sighed thinking the same thing but negatively impacted by getting lost in thought. Because this isn't the future✨that she remembers and that scared the hell out of her... in fear of the unknown! "Yeah, my thoughts... exactly, so much has changed here in such little time. And what's worst we don't remember a thing about the changes." Isabel said softly with a sad look observing the room while wishing that she knew more. And not even her dreams showed her either😔. Okay, look, Noah, this is obviously not the future that we're familiar with. Because when we change the future I think that it altered the course of our future and changed history and probably in the future *31st Century* that Dad is from. Even in our family and growing up." she added stating the obvious of their situation. He nodded in understanding thought the same thing and said💬. "Yes, I can see how bad that might be... but isn't it a good thing too?" Noah said softly looking on the positive side of things and not the negative. Some things change for the better in Life... even in the future🌌because not everything is written in stone and it can change.

"Yeah, you're right. Noah, but what should we do now?" Isabel said softly thinking that her brother had a point and asked him what they should do now. "Well, Isabel, I think that the right thing to do is... tell our parents what we had to go through and why we don't remember some things. I'm sure they'll understand and will catch us up on what changed," Noah added giving his sister advice while suggesting that they come clean in telling their parents the "truth" and being honest with them about it to get the answers they need. Isabel nodded in understanding and agreed with him to do just that.

*An hour later*
So they decided to tell their parents the truth because that way they'll help them understand and show them all of the changes in this Timeline of the future✨. "Mom, Dad, we have something that we need to tell you..."  said softly in unison for dramatic effect coming out of their bedroom and looking at their parents sitting on the couch with sad looks on their faces having something important to tell them both. Brainy and Nia were totally supportive as they💙💚both said. "Okay, you can tell us anything. We're your parents! We'll understand... sit down you two and let's talk," she💙said motherly with wisdom. "Your mother is right." He💚said softly agreeing with her thinking that talking about it was the best and right thing to do. They both explained to their parents about the odd behavior and memory loss about some things. So, Brainy and Nia filled them in on what they missed after they got married and how the future/timeline has changed since then. "Let's start with the basics... after our redo wedding, you two were born a few months later. And the rest all happened on its own, such as training you both into the Heroes you are today, and helping you Isabel, interpret your dreams✨." Brainy explained softly lots of details.
"And a few years after that your father decided to found the Legion of Superheroes a little early than expected to help train a new generation of young children humans, aliens, and even Meta-humans who have great potential of becoming "young Heroes" of Earth🌎. But it turned into something more than that... and he was the Leader *3 years* ago after putting you in charge and realizing that you're a natural-born leader and both of you are true "Hero" at heart🩵💚," Nia added telling her kids about the legion came to be in this time. But when Isabel and Noah heard about it they were ecstatic happiness and loved this new Timeline in finally knowing and understanding what's changed... "I love our Future! This is amazing and better," Isabel said loudly with excitement.

(To be Continued?)*Sorry, short chapter😅.*

Brainia~ Wedding💍Crashers💥from the Future✨Where stories live. Discover now