Wedding Crasher💜(Part 2):

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~{Chapter 2}~*This chapter is continued from the first one after the Superfriends and Brainy and Nia's future kids regroup at the *Tower* for a plan of action to stop the woman from oblivaporing them out of existence when she strikes again! Also, Winn tells them a little bit about their Isabel and Noah Dox... I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*At Night🌃*
*An hour later, at the Tower*
Brainy, Nia and the others gathered at the *Tower* after the "Wedding Crasher fiasco" and wanted an explanation from Winn about how he knew their kids as adults from another time... "So, Winn, are you gonna tell us about how me and Nia have children in the future?" Brainy asked softly out of curiosity wanting some answers. "Yeah, I would also, like to know," Nia added crossing her arms also, wanting to know that as well. "Yeah, I thought you two might ask that," Winn answered nervously having a feeling Brainy and Nia would ask him that. Then, he told them everything about their kids from the future✨that they're from but vaguely. Speaking of them Isabel and Noah Dox were in the training room waiting until the heat died down and both realized that showing up in the *present* unannounced wasn't the best idea😅😔they had while knowing the consequences of their mistakes. Isabel was beating & kicking a punching bag upset to fuel her rage and then quickly shot out a dream🌀blast at it to express her emotions of how she felt... Her brother could sense her anger😡and then said💬to calm her down. "Sis, I can sense that you're "angry" but I-I," Noah said softly stating the obvious of his sister's emotions. "Of course, I'm angry Noah! We took a risk coming to *2022* to save our parents from getting obliterated but in doing so, our arch-nemesis got away and will most likely try again! And if she succeeds we'll start to fade away and then we will cease to exist. Like we were "never" born! Besides, this was all my idea to follow after "Sasha Nova" and stop her "here" before someone gets hurt or worse killed. You know as well as I do that if anyone gets in her way she will kill them without blinking... it seemed so simple and easy in my head but now everything is just a mess," Isabel said panicking loudly blaming herself for everything going wrong today while knowing their enemy very well and she couldn't figure out how to fix this. Now that their parents know they exist😅. She stopped and began to burst into tears😭💦while thinking💭negatively.
Then, Noah immediately comforted her by pulling his sister into a hug in hopes of calming her nerves down and said💬. "Isabel, it's gonna be okay. We'll figure it out and I promise you that we will find🔎a way to fix this... "together" and this is not your fault none of us could have predicted this. What matters now is that this time we'll stop her like we "always" do! We are in this together," Noah said softly giving his sister wise advice to help with her emotional breakdown whenever she starts to overthink things. Isabel looked up at her brother breaking the hug while wiping her tears away sniffling with a slight smile. "You're right, Noah. El Mayarah," she said smiling happily. "El Mayarah! Stronger Together," he said. Then they began working on a new combat fighting style technique while sparring against each other.

*Meanwhile their Parents*
*10:00 p.m.*
"Brainy, look at me. Don't you see that I'm not the only one who can do the impossible... we did the "impossible" by having two extraordinary, intelligent kids who are both half-Naltorian🌀& Coluan💚with our combined powers/abilities. I think that's amazingly rare to happen! And meet them today before they're even born. Especially, on our wedding day... besides, I'm sure that our future selves must have taught them well since they came all this way just to save us," Nia said optimistically with a positive attitude to convince Brainy that meeting their future kids today isn't a bad thing. It's a gift! "Yeah, I know. Nia, don't get me wrong I "always" wanted to have a family... especially, with you. Nia Nal, but if they're from *2050* we must have taught them about the consequences of "Time Travel" so, why did Isabel and Noah come here to save us knowing the risk?" Brainy said softly telling her that he'd always wanted to start a family of his own and that meeting his kids as adults was just amazing to him but wondered why his future self would be so riskless to allow them to travel back in time while questioning why their daughter🩵and son💚came to this time just to save them. Nia sighed. "Says the Time Traveler from the *31st Century* who risked the entire future just to be with me. Besides, you must've known there be consequences for coming back and choosing to stay in the *present*. Maybe this is it! And who knows Isabel and Noah probably had no choice and we literally made a future of our own," she added crossing her arms and glaring at him while referring to Brainy making the same decision to stay in the *21st century* with her and thinking💭that this was a good idea💡. Brainy chuckled with a smile. "You have a point, Nia Nal! But I promise you this, I'll marry you when this is all over." he said softly understanding while promising her that they would get married no matter what happens after today or tomorrow. That is if they live to see the day😅! Nia smiled. "I know you will. Querl Dox and I can't wait to marry you," she said happily with a bright smile on her face looking forward to when that day comes. Then, they both left the room and went to talk to their adult kids from the future✨to learn about why they were here...

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