
Start from the beginning


She doesn't recognize it, though. But... a maze? Interesting enough to keep listening,

"Yeah, yeah, Winston," another voice she can't recognize.

"What exactly did he say again?"

"That he saw a shadow in the woods this morning. He called it JACKIT."

A sigh. "And what's that supposed to mean?"

"Jeff And Clint Kissing In Trees."

"Oh my, God." An even louder sigh, followed by something smacking against a tree. Likely a stone the boy below her, Winston, kicked. "And you immediately assume it's the girl?"

"Perhaps," he says. "Pretty sure their brains work differently than ours. Just going into the woods, eh."

"Why can I imagine Zart jumping from tree to tree, though?"

"Maybe he would. Doesn't matter. We're here to help Alby with his search party. Guess that's the party we get instead of The Bonfire."

"You would've never sent us to do this back when you were first in command," Winston says, a tad annoyed. "I've got pigs to get ready."

For what..?

"You and disgusting job can–"

"I provide y'all of food!"

Alright. The pigs are ready to lie on their plates, then.

"What I'm saying," Winston continues, "is that I sometimes miss you as a leader, Nick. Alby's nice and all, but he takes the lead way differently."

So Nick is his name. And he was the previous leader. More information for her to remember.

"It just got too much. After George... and then Camil came up The Box with that paralyzation... and Newt was no longer able to run... Gally stung. Now a shuckin' girl."

At least she now for sure knows they didn't expect her to arrive here either.

Still doesn't mean she's safe.

"And then you added the slang because Minho was driving everyone crazy once he discovered there were no adults to stop him." A pause. "What? Gotta add some positivity in it, man!"

"Just continue lookin'. Alby ain't got mercy if we arrive with empty hands."

"He said not to touch her."

"You know what I mean, smart-ass." Nick exhales, murmuring something under his breath. "Just sayin' we gotta hurry a bit. If she'd just appear, I can at least drown myself in Gally's moonshine tonight."

Well that sounds... suspicious. Her eyebrows raise automatically.

"And we'll miss lunch. I did my best to give Fry bacon. You should've seen what it took to get those pigs–"

Nick clears his throat. "No, thank you. Any ideas what the girl would do as a job, though? Would be impressive if she isn't disgusted by you Slicers, since half of The Glade already is. I wouldn't blame her if she is just like us."

Slicers. The Glade. Jobs. So they keep order. The Glade... this place? Outside the walls... that maze? It makes enough sense.

Awesome, she's locked up in a maze, surrounded by boys and a stinky farm.

"I dunno. It's gonna be a whole experience keeping everyone in order and making sure she gets treated equally."

"Get food thrown at her head every meal? Equal enough."

𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐈𝐀  - TMR, Gally ¹Where stories live. Discover now