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a/n] hey guys, still smutty!

He would be embarrassed but any resemblance of shame is discarded when he takes in the view right in front of him. Yeonjun is sitting in his lap, a knee on either side of him, hair all over the place, and a smirk on his lips. His skin is glowing, the bruises Soobin had sucked into his skin blooming into beautiful shades of purple. He's right on top of Soobin, sitting up proudly, and even though Yeonjun has barely even touched him, the picture is enough to rip a deep groan from Soobin's chest.

"Holy shit."

The smile etches deeper into Yeonjun's features as he crawls forward smoothly until his lips are hovering right over Soobin's. He's frozen, doesn't know what to do with this version of Yeonjun; the one he's only seen glimpses of so far, so confident and assured, temptation personified. He licks into Soobin's mouth boldly, making him whimper before he tells him, "You've had your fun. Now it's my turn."

It's all the warning Soobin gets before Yeonjun bites down on his lip, moves his kisses down the side of his face to the soft patch of skin right below his ear. Soobin is holding on for dear life as Yeonjun sucks on his skin, his hips drawing relentless figure eights on top of his crotch. It's too much and not enough, has him gasping for air, his heart pounding so hard it almost hurts. There is no way Yeonjun can't feel it against his chest, something that proves true when he travels down Soobin's neck and chest, leaving wet kisses in his wake, but pressing the softest one right on top of his heart. He doesn't waste much time, scoots down the mattress until his lips rest just over Soobin's belt.

He's so incredibly close to where Soobin wants him but he should have known Yeonjun would not let him off easily when he said it was his turn to have fun. Instead of the tell-tale sound of a belt buckle opening, Soobin only hears a high-pitched whine he barely recognizes as his own when Yeonjun starts to suck on the skin of his belly. He's gentle at first, but then he adds a hint of teeth, bites the flesh between kisses, and it makes Soobin squirm on the mattress. He can't remember the last time anyone has spent so much time worshiping his body, it makes heat run through his body that has nothing to do with the horny thoughts overriding his brain. It's easy to get lost in the feeling, the balance between the sting of teeth, the wet licks, and soft kisses. His mind is swimming, eyes fixed on the ceiling when he can no longer look down, and so it takes him by surprise when everything suddenly stops.

The why'd you stop is already sitting on the tip of his tongue, but he's a little slow right now, too caught up in the sensations so the words never make it out. Instead, he lifts his head to get a good look at Yeonjun, and he almost wishes he hadn't. Because Yeonjun is perched up between his legs, lips puffy and wet with spit, face flushed and the slightest hint of perspiration making his hair stick against his temples.

He taps Soobin's belt buckle and raises a questioning eyebrow at him. Soobin nods, a hoarse yeah leaving his lips before Yeonjun gets to work. He unbuckles Soobin's belt, pops the button open, and slides down the zipper so quickly Soobin isn't quite convinced he isn't using magic. He taps Soobin again, this time on the hip, and Soobin complies by lifting up from the mattress. His knees feel unstable, but suddenly he can't get the thought of Yeonjun using magic out of his head so as Yeonjun slips his pants down his legs, his one-track mind betrays him and the words fall out of his mouth.

"Hey, have you ever used your magic?"

Yeonjun stops mid-movement where he was in the process of sliding his own pants down to meet Soobin's in a pile on the floor. Yeonjun tilts his head to the side, "What do you mean?"

He steps out of his pants and Soobin has a hard time not letting his eyes travel south to where a pair of black briefs are sitting snuggly on Yeonjun's hips - and a hint of black ink peaks out from under the waistband.

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