Chapter 18

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"Levi, we need you and your squad to act as bait and lead the female titan into a dead end. Hanji, Mike, and Nanaba will open fire once we get her in position."

"Exactly when do you plan on executing your decision Erwin?"

"...The Trost Carnival is a very important-"

"Fuck no."


"Shut it Mike, I thought I told you before hand that I had plans that day."

"Levi, there are innocent people that are in potential danger-"

"Yeah, but my girlfriend isn't going to be one of them."

"Then do it for her sake Levi." Hanji intercepted. She knew as well as he did that you spending the night away with him was a dream come true...but, a dream that could possibly end with your untimely demise. A price was on your head, as well as the many gang leaders of The Legion. You, Levi, Mike, Hanji, all of your friends, were in a dead pool. Based on passed history with the Titans, the colossal, Armored, and Female, were the elites, the ones responsible for the fall of District Maria. Meeting up at the warehouse that night, where a meeting was held between the Scouts top gang leaders, and the 104th green horns, Armin Arlert, came up with a conclusion.

Annie Leonhart, 16, sophomore.

"Annie? But...she would never do anything to hurt us." Petra exclaimed, completely bewildered that someone as sweet and quiet as Annie would kill her own friends.

"I took the time with Hanji to look through The Legion's fallen members. At each death, she was the first to arrive at the scene." Armin stated motioning for Hanji to continue.

"The following victims were part of the dead pool. Marco Bodt, whose death was listed for two hundred thousand, Thomas Wagner, twenty five thousand, Mina Carolina, thirty-eight thousand-"

"I was wondering why she was sitting pretty all of a sudden." Jean intruded.


"Well um...during initiation...she was in me and Armin's group. She seemed to confide in me more so than Armin... but anyways, she invited me to her place. She moved out of her dad's place and moved into an apartment in Sina. It kinda surprised me that she lived there. I figured that it was because she was going into the M.P's."

"Do you remember her address?" Erwin asked, leaning in the tin seat along with Hanj and Mike.

"...No. I'm Sorry. It's been a while since I've been over there. After we were separated into our own subdivisions, she stopped talking to me."

"We need to catch her. She'd ultimately be killed but for the sake of the citizens of District Rose. I'll send the info to the Garrison, as of now, the M.P's are under observation." Hanji then turned to Erwin and Levi

"Levi...I'm not forcing you to do this...but if you don't want your girlfriend to be on the 9 o'clock news with grieving parents and other innocents, I suggest you do it."


"I wonder where Levi went?" You said aloud walking beside Moblit that was carrying your giant teddy bear that you won. It was getting late and you hadn't seen him since you met Hanji and Moblit at the funnel cake kiosk. The activities that you wanted to do with him were cut short, only leaving you to do one thing, that every couple does, ride the Ferris Wheel. You ran into most of your friends from school, Jean, Eren, Mikasa, Sasha, Connie, everyone one of which you questioned about Levi's whereabouts. All seemed to stray away from you, or so you thought.

"Hey Moblit can I use..." You turned around only to find yourself completely alone, "your phone...where the hell did everyone go!?"
You huffed annoyed, looking all around you. The sun was beginning to set and the line for the Ferris Wheel was getting longer.

"I swear if Levi stood me up I'll-"

"[Name]." A deep voice called out to you. You jumped the minute you felt his hand land gently on your shoulder.

"Levi! Where'd you go!?"

"I was taking care of buisness. I don't have time to explain but we need to get the hell out of here." Levi spoke quickly.

"But..what about the Ferr-"

"We'll go another time, I promise. Let's get out of here." Levi said gripping your wrist and dragging you with him through the crowd. You looked at Levi nervously. You've never seen him act this way. Levi was looking around nervously until he spotted Eren and Auruo. They immediately went to Levi's side.
Eren walked next to you on your right and Auruo on your left. A giant shadow casted over you followed by heavy breathing.

"Sup [Name]. You guys could've slowed down a bit for me to catch up" Erd said giving you a smile.

"Fine time for you to join us." Levi stated cooly. You felt his grip on your wrist relax a bit knowing that his friends were here. Auro and Erd were covering you and Eren, acting as a human shield in case of crossfire. A Scout's code of honor was to risk your life for others.

[Name] [Last].... 1.2 million
Eren Jaeger .... 1.4 million

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