Chapter 17

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Spring break was finally coming to an end and so was your parents business trip in Australia. You weren't exactly happy that they were coming back home. It had been peaceful having two weeks out school and not having parental supervision monitoring what you did with your new lover. Levi spent as much time with you as he could, always making sure that every time he came by your house, he brought you gifts. He'd pretty much spoiled you during the whole break, not that you minded.

Sweet, romantic dates, walks on the beach. You two even drove out of range of the districts to spend time alone. It was a Friday night, the last free week night you had until summer break.

It was also a good night to spend with your boyfriend. Rose Township had it's annual Trost Carnival coming through the district and it was a perfect opportunity to go since you had someone to enjoy it with.

All the times you went, you were always that one friend that sat there awkwardly eating funnel cake while your friends were sucking off their lovers faces. But the tables have turned. You being the ecstatic hyper girl that you were planned the whole night through (much to Levi's pleasure).

He was reluctant to go since crowds wasn't his thing, but seeing you smile was worth it. Hanji dragged her younger brother Moblit along, Petra was literally swept off her feet by Auruo, and Eld went with his bro-friend Gunther. You and Levi were the first ones there, leaving you two spend some alone time together.
It felt weird being with the guy that you thought that you hated. You never really knew how much of a softie Levi really was until you lost it that night.

In your eyes, Levi was like a puppy. He was all bark and no bite only to have you cuddle him and hold him and give him the love that he never experienced. Although he'd rarely tell you how much he loved you, you already knew based on the little things he did. Kisses on the nose meant that you were being too cute, playing with your fingers meant that he wanted to cuddle, and staring deep into your eyes let you know how much he really appreciated you. But lately, Levi was being a little...edgy.
Something was bothering him and you were determined to find out. You laced your fingers along with his and walked through the entrance gate with him.

"Something's bothering you."

Levi looked at from the corner of his eye and raised a brow. He gripped your hand tighter as you walked through the crowd.

"What makes you say that?" Levi stated.

"You've been acting funny. Is something bothering you?"


"Levi, please don't-"

"I'm fine [Name]."

You sighed heavily, deciding it best that you continue to pester him later on. He wasn't the only one that seemed a little paranoid. Lately all of your friends were like that. You've never seen Hanji so ....irritated. It was completely against her nature. And Petra seemed a little too quiet,which disturbed you dramatically.

This would be first time that you actually hung out with all your friends since spring break started. Everyone seemed disturbed lately. You looked at Levi from the corner of your eye with a worried expression on your face. There was something that he wasn't telling you and it hurt you that he wouldn't tell you.

So many things were going through Levi's head. Trost Carnival was bait and seventy-five percent of the Legion was there. It was a dead pool. The M.P's were on guard, trying to keep the peace between them and the Scouts and disguised as the Carnival's janitors, the Garrison was incognito, acting as the ticket masters and ride operators, and the Scouts were keeping you under a close eye.

Each group flashed their symbol, The Scouts were wearing black with their Wings of Freedom insignia on their sleeves, M.P's wore red and the Garrison wore blue. Even though The Legion was there, Levi was sure that it didn't guarantee your safety. He was constantly searching your surroundings, despite the fact that Mike ensured that they did a perimeter check. He spotted Hanji and Moblit by the Funnel Cake kiosk and tugged on your hand.

"Hanji. Moblit." Levi called walking up to them with you in tow.

"Hey Levi and [Name]!" Moblit exclaimed before he whispered to Hanji about how cute you and Levi were together.

"Hey [Name] do you want a funnel cake?" Moblit asked as you removed yourself from Levi's grasp. You nodded in reply and waited with him.

"Hanji, whats wrong?"

"It's Sonny and Bean."

"Who the hell-"

"Those were the names of the second class titans we captured."

"What about them?"

"...They were found dead this morning. Erwin told Petra and Auruo to keep you away from the scene because knowing [Name], she'd go wherever you go. We would've contacted you earlier but seeing as to how your phone wasn't on..."

"Do we have any suspects?"

Hanji gave a shaky breath and wiped her tears that were forming. She looked at Levi with a sad expression.

"No...but whoever it was didn't have mercy on killing kids. They were just kids Levi... Who ever did it infiltrated The Scouts disguised as one of us."

Levi placed an arm Hanji as she cried over the lost of her beloved titans. He looked to you and saw that you and Moblit were at the skeeball and water gun stand while stuffing your faces with funnel cake. A vibration in Hanji's pocket interrupted her grief as she read a text out loud.



"The titans are here...and there's a female involved."

Armin, Jean, Mikasa, Christa, and Ymir were given orders by Mike to dispose of any Titan that comes within the perimeter of the carnival. Being quick and discreet about the upcoming murders they all took their positions. Innocent lives were at risk, including yours....

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