Sheffy: Hey clumsy.

Edinburgh: I am not clumsy!

Sheffy: Don't put your foot in it.

Edinburgh: I won't do it!

In the imperial sanctuary Empress Nagato of this beautiful country rules from this place. She has now met with Akagi and Kaga who are giving their report to Nagato. Nagato only listens to the summary of the attack on Pearl Harbor and nods in response. It was a successful attack. Then Akagi talks about the black mental cube while Nagato observes the black mental cube.

Nagato: I see so this is the black mental cube that allows us to control the mass-produced Siren ships.

Akagi: Yes but that's just a byproduct. The black mental cube is a regular mental cube because it's made with the same materials.

Nagato: That marked the beginning of the Orochi project.

Akagi: Yes the shining hope of the Sakura Empire in this war that is destroying our country.

Nagato: But putting that ship into service forced us to take the first step of aggression against Azur Lane.

Akagi: It was inevitable Azur Lane would have gotten in the way.

Kaga: There have been great confrontations between us and the sirens and it sickens me that the Washington Treaty is still in effect. Humanity is barely surviving.

Akagi: In order for the empire to have a future we must complete this project at all costs.

At that moment Nagato takes some time before responding then she hands the cube to Akagi.

Nagato: I understand you may leave.

Akagi and Kaga stand up and then bow before leaving meanwhile Nagato still has many doubts about Orochi but since the empire needs weapons like Orochi to protect itself she agreed to the construction of this project for that reason.

Nagato: (I suppose war will never change no matter the era.)

Meanwhile with the first division of aircraft carriers we can see that Kaga is very upset about her leader's doubts.

Kaga: She still has many doubts she lacks determination.

Akagi: Please don't speak so poorly of her Nagato is also driven by a very deep and strong love.

Kaga: But sister...!

At that moment Kaga stops talking because Akagi was not paying attention to Kaga's words. Akagi was only looking at the black mental cube.

Akagi: But it's not enough... My love is powerful enough to incinerate the entire world and keep burning eternally. (Whispers) Yes... very soon...

Kaga just stays there watching Akagi very amazed.

Meanwhile, Z23 is peacefully having lunch while she is immersed in her thoughts imagining her most pleasant days in Iron Blood.

Shigure: What!?

Z23: (choking in surprise) Cough! Cough!

Now we see that the group of Ayanami is conversing about the war near the table where Z23 is.

Shigure: So that girl named Enterprise effortlessly defeated Kaga... Wow that was really intense.

Yukikaze: (Very conceited) Hahaha if I were there... The Royal Navy and Eagle Union wouldn't stand a chance against me!

In that moment Yuudachi chokes from eating too quickly and the girls help her. When everything calms down Yuudachi talks to Ayanami.

Yuudachi: I'm so jealous of you. You've been to a real battle. I haven't been in one for a long time and I have this urge to mow down the enemy.

Ayanami remembers all the atrocities she committed during the mission and she doesn't feel well.

Ayanami: (Sad) I don't like to fight... I'm just doing what is expected of me.

Due to Ayanami's lack of expression everyone misunderstands her and on the contrary that triggers laughter from her friends.

Shigure: What is expected of you? Aren't you "The Demon" Ayanami? The kansen who took down two high-class sirens without breaking a sweat.

Yuudachi: (Hanging onto Ayanami) Demon! You have demon horns!

Ayanami: (Uncomfortably) Those are not my horns, they are my ears.

Shigure: (Proud voice) Not only do you have to be strong and skilled but you also have to be blessed with good luck like me the famous Shigure.

Yukikaze: (Finishes eating her ice cream) Oh! I got promoted!

In that moment Yukikaze gives a challenging look to Shigure and Shigure steps on the stick.

Shigure: (Pulling out several ice creams out of nowhere) I've had enough of you! Let's settle the score once and for all!

Z23: (Furiosa) Shut up or I'll call the police! We're in a public place!

The girls quickly apologize to prevent Z23 from calling the military police.

To be continued

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