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My first objective since I came here is to test my weapons, but so far I haven't had the opportunity to use them, so right now I am deciding what my main objective is at the moment. Now that we are talking about testing my weapons, I remember the enemy base I saw nearby when I was testing my fighter plane.

Me: Alright, we are going to attack that enemy base.

So I set course towards the enemy base, I must position myself within shooting range. I could shoot from a long distance since the Bulava missiles are ballistic missiles, but they are guided by GPS and there is no GPS here, so I have to get closer. I trust in my stealth capabilities, so I believe I won't have any problems, but still, I must exercise utmost caution despite having the absolute advantage

So I approach the enemy base, and when I manage to reach my target, it's already night. I can see some lights coming from the buildings of the base; it's obvious there's a lot of activity. If there's someone important in this place, I might be able to eliminate someone very significant. It seems like luck is on my side.

So I armed my missiles and after doing the mathematical calculations to fire the missile since it will be guided... well, actually, it's not guided, it will just make a small parabola in a straight line towards the target so I must measure the target correctly and then fire.

I launch my missiles submerged because I am a submarine and I believe that all American submarines launch their missiles underwater.

Then the missile takes off and flies towards the target at high speed, it seems that the enemy still hasn't noticed, I listen carefully to the sonar and look closely at the radar, then my sonar picks up sounds of an explosion so I look through the periscope at the explosion.

Me: Wow, what an explosion.

The atomic explosion was impressive, it's my first time seeing an atomic explosion with my own eyes, the mushroom cloud formation was beautiful, I think two missiles were too excessive, but I think I am satisfied.

I need more information about this, so I deploy a drone. One of my skills is being able to use all the weapons from MW, fortunately, I can deploy a drone. How do I do it? It's very easy. In my jacket, there's a pocket where I have several cards. All the airplanes I can use are drawn on them. I just have to throw the card into the air, and it will automatically deploy without the need for the plane to take off from an aerodrome. Well, I didn't know about this ability at first, but now that I do, I use it.

First, I have to resurface. After resurfacing, I launch the FL-71 drone with the card. The drone takes off and I quickly submerge to avoid being detected. After submerging, I start watching the video that my drone is filming. The drone sees that the base I just bombed is completely destroyed, except for the forest around it. Only the enemy base is destroyed and in flames.

Me: Strange, why is only the base destroyed and not the forest? That explosion should have completely destroyed everything. Is that because of friendly fire?

In the game, I understand that there is no damage for shooting your ally. Was that the reason why the forest was not damaged?

Now everything makes sense, if I only considered the Siren base as the enemy, that means I can use my weapons more freely...no, silly thoughts! This is not a Play Station, this is reality, weapons are not toys, I must think carefully now that I know my power, without a doubt, it is terrifying.

Me: Well, now that I know all my powers, it's time for me to go.

So I start navigating towards Pearl Harbor. If my information is correct, there's a naval siren blockade near this position, so I don't want to push my luck further and attack that naval blockade. I think I've already pushed my luck attacking this place; it's time to make a wide detour. I believe it's better to head to Pearl Harbor since it's more cost-effective. Going towards South America seems to be a waste of time because, in this world, South America seems not to exist. The continent sank after the start of the war against the sirens. There was a terrible climate change, and the ice in Antarctica melted. A powerful earthquake caused it to sink beneath the sea. Undoubtedly, this happened more than 20 years ago in the past. I don't know if this is real, but this is the information I found when infiltrating the siren network. The rest is unknown to me as it's not in any known human language; it's a completely unfamiliar language to me.

To be continued

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