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People come and people go.

For a seven year old kid to realize that devastating truth is truly surprising. However, it would be better to live in this world knowing the truth rather than live in a lie. Moreover, what’s the point of not realising the truth when you will grow old and die in the end?

I lived for more than seven years being naive and carefree to the point that I didn’t realised that people die. Ever since then, I always keep in my head that once all the people I cherish die, all that left was me.


There are too many lies and secrets that we all kept inside us. Parents used to say that ‘lying is bad’ and ‘doing something like this and like that is bad’. It made me wonder though, why would kids lie when they all say that ‘kids never lies’?

No matter how much I think of it, I could never understand it. So, I decided to realize the truth by my own self and found the answers I’m looking for. It was because we were scared. There are two main reasons why we lie. It’s either we were scared or hiding the truth to protect. By protect, it’s either our self or our loved ones.

If you lie, everyone sees you as the bad guy. If you’re honest, you’re the good guy. There are no saints or villains in this world. We were just...corrupt. But, corrupt of what? That’s the answer I’m looking for right now.

“Excuse me, is this seat vacant?”

A pair of chocolate brown eyes meets my dark ones. He smiled before saying in a cheerful voice, “Yes, you can sit here,” I only nod in response and sat before putting my bag on the desk. Today is my first year college and I took psychology. I thought there would be fewer but in my surprise, there are actually a lot. There are probably thirty to forty of us. I guessed as I look around.

“Pleasure to meet you, my name is Michael Hazel Tordas. You can just call me Hazel.” The boy beside me suddenly introduced himself making me a bit surprise. His one hand was stretch a little between us. I look at him and his hand back and forth before introducing myself as well as I shook his hand with mine.

“Lee Dokyeom.”

Hazel was still smiling that it made me wonder if his mouth was glued. Our hands detached. “Nice! Should I call you Yeom for short?” My mouth twitched as my brows furrowed. He chortled and waves his hand in a ‘shooing’ way at me.

“I was just kidding. Don’t take it to the heart.”

I look away from him and start to out my notebook and pen. In doing so, the door opened and a man on his thirties in a polo white shirt and black trousers came in with book on his hands. The room fell silent as we watch him walk towards the desk in front.

Once the man reaches the desk he raised his hand above the desk then let go making the book let out a loud ‘thud’ on the desk making everyone flinch. His eyes scans the room, well, in my observations, it was the students that he’s looking. One of his brows raise before he turns around, pick a chalk then write something on the board.

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