"I could be so open to the idea."

He laughs and brings his hand up to my cheek as his kisses me. His kiss was so tender yet possessive.

"I want you in my bed tonight." He spoke against my lips pausing his left hand that was inches away from inside my shorts. I only nod eagerly while pulling his lips back against mine.

"Is this what it's going to be like with you two under the same roof?"

I jumped as Jonah quickly pulled away. At the entry of the hall stood Tim as he smirked with his arms crossed. My face heated up as I jumped down from the counter. Thank God it was him and not one of mine.

"Good morning." I chirp, my voice oddly higher than usual, as Jonah cleared his throat and turned back to tend the burnt eggs.

"You two are going to be like horny rabbits all throughout the house, aren't you?" Tim laughs lightly while reaching for the fridge.

"Tim." Jonah growls.

"I'm...going to go get dressed." I mumble practically sprinting up the stairs.

"Bring your things down here!" Jonah yells after me.

I roll my eyes but as requested I grabbed my suitcase and brought it down into Jonah's room where I enjoyed the master bathroom. After my cold shower and getting dressed, I ended up being the last person out for breakfast. Jonah had a beautiful set up of pancakes, bacon, eggs (freshly made since the last batch burned), sausage, fruits and toast that I almost didn't believe he whipped all this up that fast.

"Finally, Sis is here." Elyse sighs as she sits at the table between Maleah and Elijah.

"Oh she needed time to cool down." Tim tease while pouring a cup of coffee.

I glare at him as Jonah stifled a laugh while pulling out a chair.

"Have a seat, babe. Would you like a mimosa?"

My jaw dropped. "You got mimosas too? This is fancy." I joke earning a laugh from the table.

"My brother is really showing off today." Hannah, to the left of me, points out. I mentally frowned noticing Jonah sat me next to her purposely.

"We have a full day planned. Which speaking of I'm going to need everyone to finish at least one bottle of water before we go out in the sun." Jonah instructs while placing a glass flute in front of me.

"Okay, dad." Maleah teases. I chuckle.

"Tease all you want but this Florida heat is something serious."

"We know."

"Well you guys don't have to worry about me. I have other matters to attend to in the city." Hannah retorts popping a grape into her mouth.

"Same. I wouldn't want to impose on the family outing." Tim adds with a tenacious smile.

"It's not a–"

"Great! We'll catch up with you two later." Jonah exclaims sitting across from me. I gave him a look which he only ignored while piling pancakes on his plate.

"It's not really a family outing. Y'all can come if you want. I'm sure it will be fun." I suggest since they did come all this way.

"Well they can tag along when we go to Epcot tomorrow. Tim wants to drink around the world anyway." Jonah dismisses.

"That's a thing?" Elijah questioned.

"It totally is. I might sneak you a sip every now and then." Tim winks earning a grin from Elijah.

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