Final Chapter - Political Turn

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Discussions on post-disaster measures were taking place in the Imperial Palace at Ragna.

"The central administrative district has been devastated. With the exception of the Ministries of the Army and Navy, all other ministries have lost 90% of their executives and 70% of their staff."

Office of the Sovereign leader Kurtz reported the damages. The Office of the Sovereign itself was in ruins, and many high-ranking officials, including his deputy Ordaika, had perished. However, Kurtz had luckily escaped harm as he happened to be on his way to the palace.

"Fortunately, internal documents of each ministry were backed up under the Wartime Information Preservation Act. Currently, we have temporarily employed local government officials from Ragna City and surrounding municipalities as provisional national civil servants to fill the gaps in manpower. However, we cannot entrust them with handling classified information, and a solution to the chronic shortage of personnel has not yet been found."

The Emperor, who had been silent until now, asked a question. "What about the relief for the victims?"

Siegs took the turn to answer. "The Army is taking the lead in coordinating with the Navy, fire department, and police on the relief efforts. However, the scale is too large that we are severely understaffed. The number of dead and missing ranges from a minimum of 200.000 to a maximum of 400.000, and we don't even have an accurate count."

Gra Lux sighed.

"So, the government is paralyzed."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Kurtz immediately answered.

The Emperor spoke with heavy words. "We can supplement internal affairs with the appointment of local government officials, and national security is functioning with the Army, Navy, and Judgment Force despite their losses. The problem lies in diplomacy. We must somehow address the situation of wartime without the luxury of lost personnel. War is no longer a permissible extravagance in this situation."

Finally, the Gra Valkas Empire was at a moment of policy change.

Gra Lux informed Siegs. "Despite the aspect of irresistible force, the capital has suffered immense damage. Someone must take responsibility."

Siegs listened in silence.

"You are relieved of your duties as the Capital Defense Force commander."

"As you wish."

Siegs said nothing more.

"But there can be no stagnation. Recommend a successor."

This statement seemed unexpected even to Siegs. He couldn't respond immediately.

"...I recommend Ramball."

"Ramball. If you recommend him, it should be without a doubt. For your outstanding achievement in destroying the enemy's flying battleship, you are hereby appointed as the Minister of the Army."

Siegs was surprised by this and couldn't find words.

"Stagnation is not permissible in politics either."

The Emperor now turned to Caesar. "You too, nominate your successor."

"I recommend Mirkennes," Caesar responded without a pause. The woman in question seemed to want to say something, but he remained silent in the presence of the Emperor.

"What about the Judgment Force?"

"They will be integrated into the Navy. I believe we should streamline the government by consolidating offices."

"Any opinions before appointing as Minister of the Navy? Your thoughts are not wrong, but Mirkennes, is this acceptable to you?"

"As Your Majesty wishes."

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