Chapter 11 - Geopolitical Recommendations

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Caesar was granted the honor of directly reporting the results of the Second Battle of the Folk Strait and was to have an audience with Emperor Gra Lux.

"If I die, please pick up my bones," Caesar said to Mirkennes the day before the audience.

"Are you really going to recommend peace?"

"Are you going to stop me?"

Mirkennes shook her head.

"I don't believe in doing futile things," she said and left.

. . .

During the audience, Caesar reported the results of the battle to the Emperor.

"I see."

Surprisingly indifferent reaction, Caesar thought.

"Caesar, do you think the Holy Mirishial Empire is not worth fearing?"

"Regardless of the opponent, it is unwise to be complacent. This asymmetric strategy used this time is a disposable tactic for a single use. If they are alerted to our submarine's existence, it will never work again."


Gra Lux narrowed his eyes. Caesar felt as if his inner thoughts were being read, and a chill ran down his spine.

"Humans tend to repeat successful experiences, but not being fixated on them is quite commendable."

"I apologize. May I be excused for my presumptuous remarks?"

"You may speak."

"Please make peace with the Holy Mirishial Empire. We can negotiate favorable terms for peace now. Other countries will also follow them."

The audience room erupted in chaos.

"Caesar, watch your tongue!"

The chamberlain attempted to reprimand Caesar, but...

"Doesn't matter. I allowed the statement. Go on until the end," the emperor urged.

"If our enemies are only Mirishial and Mu, we can win this war. However, we cannot defeat Japan. First, we must isolate Japan from the other major powers."

The unexpected words from the victorious admiral left the audience room frozen.

Gra Lux pondered for a while. "It would be difficult to make peace so suddenly. A ceasefire agreement would be preferable for now. You may leave."

Caesar saluted and tried to leave.


Suddenly stopped by the Emperor, Caesar turned around.

"I almost forgot one most important thing."

The chamberlain approached Caesar with a marshal's baton.

"I entrust this to you."

This episode was perceived by those present as Emperor Gra Lux expressing displeasure towards Caesar.


The Second Battle of the Folk Strait was widely reported in Japan. Headlines such as "Modern Battle of Salamis" and "Pearl Harbor Attack by Submarines" adorned the pages of newspapers and magazines.

Due to this news, an emergency National Security Council (NSC) meeting was convened.

"This is a serious matter," the Prime Minister stated at the beginning. "Escort Flotilla 0's victory has been completely made meaningless with this. Not only that, there will be a negative impact on the economy."

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