The sound of water coming from the fuck hole was very loud, and Osterloh felt that the most obscene side of his body had been brought out. He carefully held the huge but soft cock with both hands and took it in in one bite. The excruciating pleasure brought about by having his naughty bitch fucked hard by ‌‌‎‍forced him to be like a ‌‎‍‍‍beast‍‌‎‍, constantly licking the penis full of male pheromones ‌‍‎‌Turtle‍‎‌‌ Head‍‍.

With an extremely lustful expression on his face, the man ran his tongue across the two testicles at the bottom of the cock, and then sucked and devoured it.

Little Xiongzi’s chicken‎‌‍‎Chicken‎‎‌ba‎‌‍…He finally tasted Little Xiongzi’s ‎‌‍‎Chicken‎‎‌ba‎‌‍…It’s great…it’s all Little Xiongzi’s taste…thick The smell of little Xiongzi’s chicken‎‎‌ba‎‌‍…

Osterlo suddenly hugged Chi Bai's ass, and then took the sleeping big cock to the deepest part of his throat. The pleasure brought by having his throat filled with foreign objects was far better than Feeling uncomfortable, he only paused for a few seconds and then began to move his head continuously, letting Chi Bai's big cock‎‎‌butt‎‌‍ twitch in his throat. ‌insert‎‎‌‌‍ up.

Chi Bai felt that his ‎‌‍‎cock‎‎‌bar‎‌‍ was being deepthroated by the man. He thought that such a strong general could even eat his own ‎‌‍‎cock‎‎‌bar‎‌‍. So happy, even if his body couldn't feel the love and desire, his heart was already on fire.

"Slut, you can even play with your own ass so much. She was born to be fucked!"

Chi Bai stretched out some more of the opponent's buttocks, and while biting the most sensitive skin at the base of the thigh, he stopped pumping with great force‌‍‌‍‎ and thrusting into the prostate. The action turned into squeezing and grinding the most erotic point with four fingers.

Chi Bai only pressed it a few times, and the man started crying uncontrollably, but because he had a chicken in his mouth, these cries turned into indistinct whines and sobs. , but the crazy spraying of water in the buttocks has already reflected how happy the other party is at this moment.

Chi Bai shook the cock that was inserted into a soft place. Not only did the movements of his hands not stop, but they also sped up a lot, until he fucked his buttocks again. Red and swollen, ‍‌‎obscene‍‎‌‍‎water‌‎‌‍‍ also splashed all over himself: "Lick my big ‎‌‍‎cock‎‎‌ba‎‌‍ah! The general doesn't really want to drink my ‌‍‍‎semen‍ ‎‌‎‌‍? As long as you can lick me and ejaculate, I will pull out your fingers‌‍‎‎‍‌‍‌‎‎‍ Come on‍‎‍‎‎‌, otherwise I will continue to fuck your ‎‍butt‎‎eyes‍‌, Your ‍‍‌slut‎‌‎‍‌hole‌‍ is so fucked!”

It was impossible for Osterloh to lick the other person's semen and ejaculate, but at this moment he was so happy that his brain could no longer think. After receiving the order, he could only follow the instinct and follow the instructions while being penetrated. He cried at the frequency of the ‎‌ hole, while sucking the ‌‍‎‌turtle‍‎‌‌head‍‍, trying to squeeze out a little bit of thick white ‍‌‌yang‍‎semen‌‎‍‎‌, but in addition to the ‎‌‍‎cock‎‎ ‌Bar‎‌‍Other than licking it until it sparkles, it has no other effect.

On Chi Bai's side, it was almost coming to an end. He was stroking the man's ‎‍‍‎meat, which was on the verge of exploding. From time to time, he would maliciously use his fingers to block the eye that was leaking out turbid fluid for a few seconds. The other hand ‌‌‎‍ strongly‌‌‎‎‌‍ hit the man’s most voluptuous point. He hit it probably hundreds of times, and finally fucked the man until he screamed, ‎‍‍‎The meat‎‌‍stick‌‎‌ ‎ejaculated‌‍‍‎semen‍‎‎‎‌‍, but the ‍‍‌saurus‎‌‎‍‌hole‌‍ also bit Chi Bai’s fingers tightly after the climax, making him unable to move.

Chi Bai vigorously smacked the man’s ass a few times, and forcefully pulled out his fingers that were covered in ‍‌‎obscene‍‎‌‍‎water‌‎‌‍‍‍and slutty smell. He turned his head, but The man who discovered that he was eating his chicken had already fainted from pleasure.

Chapter 12. Pure plot: The general is torn apart and the crazy doctor is tortured. 

Next chapter, the pig’s feet are erect. Pure‍‌‎‌‎meat‎‎‌

"But Sir, I obviously applied to adopt this little boy first, so how come it was Admiral Gall who got the right to adopt him in the end?"

Osterloh squeezed the rejected application in his hand, and his tall body trembled slightly with anger.

Ficteau showed a reassuring smile and patiently persuaded: "Admiral Osterloh, I know that it was not easy for you to find the hero you like. To be honest, as a commander, I am also happy for you. . But you also know the situation of Admiral Gall. He is several years older than you, and because of some...excessive remarks and behaviors, most heroes now have strong opinions on him, and his partner problem It has always been a very troublesome topic for the military department. Now it is rare for him to find a Xiongzi that he likes. You also know his character. If you really want to win the Xiongzi's favor, you can basically only cultivate the relationship by increasing the time together."

"But Admiral Osterloh, you are different. You are so good. Even if you are not an adopter, that young man will definitely fall in love with you. What's more, with your ability, marrying a A male with a higher blood concentration is fully qualified, there is really no need to compete with Admiral Gar for an underage male with such a low blood concentration."

"Bloodline concentration has never been the first factor for me to choose my future master. I would like to adopt Bai because I love him, not just like Admiral Gal, who just wants to adopt Bai."

Pureblood Temptation of Zerg (H) MTL Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ