Oblivion (n.) the state of being unaware of what is happening around you

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The morning sun bristled on her eyelids by the time Lily had fallen asleep. She groaned at the time on the clock, cursing insomnia on her days off. The fluctuations in her schedule had doubled since Lily had eagerly taken extra shifts to fill people's vacation. Money wasn't an issue but the extra overtime hours was a gift on its own. Though her little sugar glider has been needy lately.

Hani's mewing in the early mornings before he would smother Lily's sleepy face, would leave her awake till she went to work. Most nights, she laid awake in bed, tossing and turning. Any small moves had Hani going bat shit crazy. Food tends to calm him down and Lily had the cravings of her little sugar glider. Cuddles was a necessity.

And as always Hani was tangled in her hair. He held on for dear life like she would... run. And run she did as midnight avocado toast bubbles dangerously in her throat. She just made it to the toilet before disgustingly retching her life away.

When she was sure she emptied her stomach, Lily shakily sat on her bathroom floor, overthinking so many things. Last night, she did help the emergency department when patients rolled in with the flu. It was flu season, she reasons with herself denying anything else. She lifted herself off the floor and stood in front of the sink, rinsing her mouth out from the acidic taste. Brushing her teeth rigorously and running her mouth through two doses of mouth wash.

Her morning routine was still minimal. She disturbed Hani's sleep schedule for once, placing him in his cage before depositing his food. Lazily, the little one eventually ate as Lily finished her own oatmeal breakfast. She was running on three hours of sleep as she was out the door by seven. She needed coffee.

Balancing everyone's order was becoming a norm as Alyssa shuffled forward to intercept one of the carriers. Eagerly, Lily passes off the other to Mackey before shaking out her hands to increase the blood flow.

"Where's my baby?" Mackenzie questions noting she didn't have Hani's carrier around her neck.

She chugs on her water, feeling absolutely parched, "he's been a menace all night," Lily answers tiredly.

Mackey pouts beside her before they were off to the employee lounge. Her brows perk up as a beautiful brunette strides into the room. Her crisp suit only made Lily's breathing labored thinking about the only woman that could pull off the outfit.

"That's Alex Whittaker," Alyssa mumbles under her breath. "That's her married name. She used to go by Alex Bannister."

"William's sister?" Lily hums, masking her flooding thoughts of a certain brunette with dazzling cocoa orbs. Her brows furrowed, "you mean the prime minister's daughter?"

"What's she doing here?" Mackey queries taking the words right out of Lily's mouth.

Alyssa turns her back towards Alex leaning into their little group, "she's auditing the hospital. Normal budgeting," she informs.

"Budgeting?" Mackenzie puzzled worriedly, "last year, we've already lost Dr. Hamilton because of that. We couldn't afford him," she hisses gesturing her charade of air quotes.

Alyssa wiggles her brows before Lily had her first sip of coffee. The intense brew sending a rush down to her toes, "well, then we better be on our best behavior," she enunciates before they tapped their paper cups together.

As she walked into her first patient's room, Lily had her hair pulled back into a messy bun with a rainbow scrunchy that had little bells. One of her previous patients was raising money for her cheer squad and Lily had bought one for all the women in the hospital. The poor little cheerleader had to sit out for the tournament in San Francisco but she still attended. Once in a while her patients would see her in the store and gleam up at her. She loved children with all her heart and seeing their smiles was everything.

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