He showed the gentlest expression and approached the young man carefully. Perhaps because his disguise was too good, the other boy hesitated and finally put his hand into his palm.

From that moment he knew that if he couldn't let the boy completely possess him, he would definitely die.

Desire and love cannot be relieved and die in despair.

The man pretended for a whole day, leading the young man to adapt to life here. At the end of the day, he returned to the room holding the other man's clothes.

That was also the beginning of him tearing off the mask.

He lay naked on the bed, like the lowest female animal, sniffing the man's clothes desperately. He buried his head deeply into the boy's underwear covered with pheromones. , and then he ejaculated before even starting to masturbate. But the overwhelming pleasure did not allow him to feel the slightest sense of shame. He panted and licked every corner of his pants. He could feel the boy's pheromones on the tip of his tongue. Beating, every lick, it was like his tongue was licking the smooth and beautiful skin of the boy, stimulating him to squirt water from his back.

The man carefully controlled the number of times he licked the ‍‌‎underwear‍‎‌‍‎pants‎‌‌ until only half of the pheromone was left. He showed a sickly blushing smile and then removed the ‍‌‎underwear. ‍‎‌‍‎Pants‎‌‌ were rolled up into a ball and stuffed straight into his own ‍‎‎‌‌ posterior ‌‎‎‍‌hole‌‍‌.

The pleasure of that moment cannot be measured by anything!

‍‎‎‌‌ was penetrated by ‍‎‌‎‌‍...

My body is now filled with the scent of that masculine man! !

The man felt like he was like a dying bird under the torment of desire, his body was constantly trembling, and his will was already a sea of ​​sand.

He frantically stuffed the remaining part of his panties into his unceasingly squirting back hole, until it swallowed it all up, leaving no trace exposed. , completely, completely, occupying his ‍‎‎‌‌ posterior ‌‎‎‍‌ hole‌‍‌, and then he let out a moan that seemed to be satisfied but more of a desire.

The remaining boy's hospital gown was covered by him on his penis, and then he kept rubbing it with the hospital gown. The touch made him feel like The boy was playing with his own cock at this moment.

But it's not enough...

Neither body nor soul is enough...

He wants more! More pheromones! More touches! He wanted to feel the real feeling of being completely penetrated by the young man's flesh! He wants to be ejaculated all over the other’s back ‌‎‎‍‌hole‌‍‌ with his semen!

He wanted to use his ‌‌‎‎‍honey‌‍‍‎hole‍‌‎‍...to swallow that boy...

He has completely lost his mind.

The desire for ‎‍‌‌‍meat‎‍‎‌cock‎‌‍ drove him back to the boy's room. By then the boy had already fallen asleep. There were only a few dim night lights left in the quiet room, but they were enough for him to see. Clear the sleeping position of the person on the bed.

His body was curled up in a small ball, huddled under the quilt. This extremely insecure posture of the young man awakened some of his sense, and his eager steps finally stopped.

‌‍‎‎‌The water‎‍‍‎water‎‌‍‌‍ ran along his thighs to the ground. When he turned around, he realized that there was already a long water stain on the way there.

The man was a little at a loss, and the strong sense of shame made him squat down without thinking, trying to wipe off the ‌‎‍sexy‎‌‌‎‍juice‎‍‍. But the excessive range of movements affected his ‌‍‎small‍‎ hole‎‍‌‎‍‌‎ underwear‍‎‌‍‎ pants‎‌‌, which was a bit too rough for the delicate intestinal wall‍‌‎inner‍‎‌‍ The trousers moved immediately between his hips, which made him almost lose his balance and he had to support the floor with his hands and knees.

At the same time, his moans broke the silence of the room.

The man quickly maintained this posture, not daring to move for fear of waking up the little Xiongzi from his sleep. But after a long time, there was no sound from the bed.

The man breathed a sigh of relief, but there was a hint of regret in his heart.

If Xiaoxiongzi had really been woken up just now and let the other party see him sticking out his butt and begging for sex, would he have even the slightest idea of ​​playing with his body as he wanted?

Will he lie on his back, spank his ass, and squeeze the big meat into his small hole, and then close it inside What about the ‍‌‎underwear‍‎‌‍‎ pants‎‌‌ torturing your own ‍‍‎flesh‍‍‌‎ hole‍‌‌?

Would he be squeezing his breasts hard while biting his buttocks, leaving deep tooth marks along the inner thighs?

Will he put the thick big ‎‍‌‌‍meat‎‍‎‌stick‎‌‍ into his mouth, stir it vigorously, and insert his fingers into his ‌‌‎‎‍honey‌‍‍‎hole‍‌‎‍‌‎‍ at the same time Insert it with ‌‍strong‎‍‌‌‎force‍‌‍‎‎, and fuck your mouth and ‌‍‎small‍‎hole‎‍‌‎ until you ejaculate?

As the man thought about it, he fell into the edge of desire again.

He longed for the male's semen that was rich in pheromones.

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