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"Well done! That's great!" *Click*

"Amazing!" *Click*

"Wonderful!" *Click*

"Done!" *Click*

"Well done Taehyung! The photos turned out very well" Choi Woosik, the famous photographer exclaims as he checks out the photos he has taken now, "we are done for the day! " "Thanks! Mr. Choi for your hard work" Taehyung bows as he silently makes his way past the staff where Nabi is, the baby girl is looking at her Mama working, flawlessly posing for the camera's, her doe eyes never left Taehyung, "hey doll, are you bored?" He asks with a pout, picking Nabi, immediately getting a happy squeal from her.

"Tae, we are done for today, you can leave with Nabi" Eun-Woo, his manager informs him, "thanks Hyung! I will quickly change before leaving" Eun-Woo nods before leaving the room, with the help of Hyuna, he removes make up and immediately changes his dress, slipping into his comfortable gown, which was his favourite.

He packs all Nabi toys and stuff into the bags he got, his daughter has been very good the whole day, listening to him, the staff adored her, mainly Taehyung's team, the girls pampered the baby girl the whole day and helped Taehyung in taking care of her in his absence, she even had a good nap "let's go home shall we?" He asks Nabi who bobs her head, "aw my baby been so good today" Taehyung coos lifting her.

He informs his assigned driver before getting down, "thanks for helping me with bags Hyung" Taehyung thanks Eun-Woo who brings his bags and setting them in the car, "that's okay Tae, and we enjoyed today having Nabi too" he chuckles looking at the girl trying to hook her finger into gap of Taehyung's earring, hearing her name Nabi turns to Eun-Woo for a second before concentrating on the mission she is been doing. After bidding goodbye, Taehyung leaves for his home.

"Hey Taebear! How is your day?" Ye-Jin asks, with a beautiful smile on her face, as she takes Nabi from Taehyung knowing how tired that model will be after a long day, but when Nabi whines he gives her his hand, "it is good Mom" Taehyung says watching Nabi playing with his fingers, so concentrated on the rings that he wore, "How is Nabi?" "She is so good, mom, behaved so well" Taehyung coos, "Why don't you freshen up while I get her bathed?" Taehyung immediately agrees.

Jungkook returns home at 11 that night to find Taehyung and Nabi in the living room as he enters, "aren't you sleepy darling?" Taehyung asks, with a pout, he took a walk in the garden, lulled her to sleep, sand lullaby but nothing is working, "isn't she sleeping again?" Jungkook asks as he walks towards them, the baby girl gets so excited seeing her Dada after a long day, "nope" Taehyung answers with a sigh. "Try reading her a story under the moonlight, it works, give gentle pats, make sure to lay her on your chest" Taehyung nods at the older suggestion.

"Sleep doll, you had a long day" Jungkook pecks her forehead, smiling fondly, the two along with Nabi, goes to their room, for Jungkook to get a bath and freshen up while Taehyung tries the older suggestion, he lays Nabi on his chest carefully, blanket wrapped over them, a book in his gently, holding Nabi through her bum, gently parting.

He starts reading a story from a story book, and it worked, in no time Nabi fell asleep, unknown to him, Jungkook who came back after having a relaxing bath, all dressed clicked a photo from the side, the scene is looking so precious. "She sometimes doesn't sleep early despite having a long day" Jungkook says as he walks towards them. After making sure that Nabi is all asleep, "she had a big nap today" Taehyung says as he looks down.

"She is so cute and precious" he says with a smile, keeping the book aside, delicately running his hand on her small head, "she is" Jungkook sighs, she is precious for Jungkook, Nabi did nothing wrong to get punished, its Hazel mistake, and she should be the one to bore the punishment, his daughter did nothing and why should he take it out on her, Nabi is a part of him, his heart swells in love for her.

"She has been so good all day! Everybody adored her, nobody bothered us" Taehyung says as he sits with Jungkook who is eating, the whole house is sleeping, including the maids, and Taehyung didn't want the older to eat alone when he was there, he knows the pain of eating alone, "That's great, looks like you guys had a great time" "absolutely!" Taehyung replies with a beaming smile.

"With Nabi in the middle, Taehyung and Jungkook slept on either side, it was in the late middle of the night when Taehyung woke up, hearing small whimpers and constant movements by his side, low whispers, he turns around to find Jungkook side light on, the older holding Nabi, "hey shh baby" "what happened?" Taehyung immediately sits moving on the bed towards Jungkook, looking at Nabi with worried eyes.

"She is not feeling well, having a light fever" Jungkook says, eyes not leaving Nabi, the baby girl is feeling not at all well, she doesn't know what is happening to her, she lets out a cry of frustration, "Taehyung can you get medical box written on Nabi's name in the bathroom cupboards?" Taehyung nods and hurries, when he sees the box, he brings it to Jungkook, "hold her" Jungkook hands Nabi to his husband.

Taehyung watches Jungkook taking a certain amount of liquid through the injection, it has no needle, designed in a way to give medicine to the babies and children, after giving Nabi her medicine, "I will just call the hospital and check if her doctor is available" Jungkook walks away, leaving Nabi in Taehyung's care. "My baby" Taehyung whispers, as he rocks her back and forth. Her cries don't stop aching his heart.

So Taehyung removes her clothes, which ease Nabi's cries a little, "let's go, he is available" Jungkook comes back into their room with a bag in his hand, With Jungkook driving and Taehyung in the backseat with Nabi they drove to the hospital, luckily the traffic is very less compared to daylight, Jungkook dropped a message for his parents in case they might come back late.

Taehyung covers Nabi with a towel before getting out of the car, seeing the younger so worried, "Hey she is going to be okay, it's not the first time Tae, she is going to be okay" he pulls the younger by shoulder who nods, "she is looking pale Hyung" Taehyung whispers, with tears welling in his eyes, accepting Nabi as his daughter, has unlocked new emotions and fears inside his heart, his inner mother is not letting him think properly seeing Nabi sick.

"She is hot" Taehyung adds, Jungkook takes him inside, "Mr. Jeon, please come, Dr. Kim is already waiting for you" an attendant says, and guides them to Dr. Kim, "Ahh is our little Nabi sick again?" Dr. Kim asks, looking up from the screen, "lets check her" Jungkook let Taehyung sit with Nabi beside the doctor, "if you let me Mrs. Jeon?" Taehyung nod as helps with Nabi.

"I guess it's the formula again, her stomach is sensitive to these formulated milk, I think it's only been a month since we changed her formula" Jungkook nods with a sigh, Dr. Kim hums looking at the three, before looking at the screen "I am suggesting this because you both are legally married, Mr. Jeon and moreover, not everyone is immune to formulas which is Nabi's case, so I prefer if your husband can breastfeed her directly, it's very healthy for Nabi too, we use medicine to help him lactate"

As much as it is tempting, Jungkook doesn't want to make Taehyung feel pressured or uncomfortable for feeding Nabi, it's a big step and it's Taehyung's choice, which he will accept, Taehyung is more than okay to accept it, anything for his baby daughter! He is happy to breast feed her! If that makes her more healthy, but he doesn't know about Jungkook but it's highly possible for the older to accept the same.

"I-I will do it" Taehyung says, "Taehyung you don't have to feel pressur--"No Jungkook, I am Nabi's mother, I should have done it before when I got to know about it, but I can assure you I am not pressured Hyung, I am more than happy, Nabi is my precious baby too, and I am ready to do anything for her" Taehyung says, and his words are purely genuine, came out of his mother instincts which are kicking in ever since Nabi came in to his life.

And Jungkook, his heart is about to burst with happiness, his feelings for the younger only increased, it's a very short time to develop feelings for any one but who is he to complain when he and his heart are yearning for it!

Hey Buns!

You guys must have not expected it!! Is it so sweet and plain?! But enjoy these moments because the road ahead is.......?

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