Sick days - YooA

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A/N: This week, timing will be important to find your flow.

Things start at a gallop. The week begins on Monday, January 29, with a trifecta of aspects. Mars squares the Nodes, Mercury trines Uranus, and Venus trines Jupiter. Picture yourself standing at a crossroads. In one direction, the road is rocky and inclines uphill. The other way is smooth, with a gentle downward slope to a familiar place. Taurus, it's likely whatever your choice, you're going to be looking for the easier road, but realize that the easier road isn't necessarily the best route.

On Tuesday, January 30, Mars in Capricorn and your house of knowledge trines Uranus in your own sign of Taurus. While you generally like to deliberate about a decision, today you might turn on a dime. You could sign up for a class or submit your application for an entire semester. You might decide to teach a course or post a how-to video. Today, it's all about what you know.


It's an early morning and YooA had woken up to hear the sound of her beloved boyfriend, coughing. She gave a close look to his face and he seemed a bit ill.

Is he sick?

She touched her forehead and compared it to his. 

He woke up soon after and showed a very sick like smile.

"Hey there, babe. How are you feeling?" She asked. 

"To be honest, I feel like shit. My throat is all scratched up, my nose is all blocked and I feel super.... super lousy." He responded. 

"Oh dear, I was right. You are sick. And I think you've caught the flu." She said. 

He closed his eyes, unhappily. 

"But what about the movie? Everyone's been looking forward to weeks...." He replied, "I can't let everyone down." 

"But if you don't take care of yourself, you will let me down." She argued, "And you don't want that, do you?" 

"I guess not." He blinked slowly. 

"Hmmm..... that's my man. It'll be okay, you'll see." She winked, "In the meantime, I should make something for you to eat." 

After a long while, she placed some bread, soup and some dumplings. 

"Here you go. The perfect breakfast for someone who is sick." She replied. 

"Oh, thank you." He replied. 

He sat up and placed the tyable on his lap so that it won't lean over. He tried the dumpling with the soup and they were really tasty. 

The two spent the whole day cuddling and medicine drinking. YooA was an angel throughout the process. She cooked him some meals that will be easy for his stomach, cleaned up messes and did some more chores around the house. 

It got dark in a matter of a few minutes. The sky has turned darker like a dark blue with little diamonds painting across. 

YooA is just checking the warmth of the tempature. The water was pouring like a waterfall from the faucet as it filled the tub. She added a mint bath bomb that can really get his pores open and to finally help him breathe his nose. 

Once the tub was filled to the brim, she stopped the water and went to the bedroom. 

She soon arrived back at the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body and she dipped her toes in a very hot bathtub and sighed. 

He sniffled opening the door and he smiled. 

"Oh, a bubble bath for both of us? I guess you've beat me to it." He joked. 

"Yep, come in. The water's nice and perfect." She replied. 

The two positioned so that she was a big spoon and he leaned his head back and he sighed in full of bliss. The mint scent in the air was very tingling and he felt like he's on cloud 9. 

The two sat in silence in a bit before she spoke up. 

"So what movie were you doing?" She asked. 

"It's called the lonesome traveller. It's a cowboy western theme and I even get to ride on a horse for the very first time." He explained, "Everyone's been looking forward to it because *cough cough* they think I look great as a cowboy." 

"Oooh, cowboy Woosung. Me likey. So what does that make me, your PYT at the bar?" She asked. 

"What's PYT?" He asked. 

"Pretty young thing." She explained. 

"Then you've always been." He leaned back, "I wish I wasn't sick today, then I can show you the site in person." 

"You still can, but only when you're feeling better. I don't know if directors are germaphobic, but they won't apperciate you sneezing and coughing everywhere." She joked. 

He laughed before caught in another coughing fit. She comforted him by patting his head. 

After having a nice and wonderful bath, it's time for dinner. She cooked up something small for him so that he won't throw up or get congested. The two ate and ate before both plates were empty. 

"Ooh, it's time to take your medicine." She looked at the time. 

She went over to the kitchen to grab the medicine cabinet. She looked at the endless bottles of medicine before using the one that she used before for chesty coughs. 

She poured in the amount onto the spoon. She put the medicine into his mouth as he swallows it.

The next morning, she looked back to see his smiling face. She smiled back before placing a hand onto his cheek. 

"How are you feeling now?" She asked. 

"A little bit better than yesterday. But aren't you worried that you'll get sick?" He asked, concerned for her health. 

"Nah, don't worry about it. I have a strong immune system despite on how I look. I don't get sick that easily." She explained. 

"Oh, lucky you then." He laughed a little bit. 

He took a tissue from the bedbox before he blown his nose at it. He thrown it at the side with the other tissues. 

"Time to make something different for my sweet little sweets." She booped his nose. 


A/N: This girl can be the perfect girlfriend.

See you next time!!!!!



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