A special surprise - YooA

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A/N: This week, you're pushing the boundaries.

The week begins on Monday, December 4, with Mars in Sagittarius and your house of power and control making a quincunx to Jupiter in your own sign of Taurus. Adventure is calling you. Taurus, you might be looking to break free of a rut or routine so you can do something that pushes you a little bit toward the edge (a prudent, well-considered edge because you're a Taurus, after all). Today, you might be drawn to gambling.

On Tuesday, December 5, Venus in Scorpio and your house of relationships trines Saturn in Pisces. Today, an important relationship is a blessing because it gives you a sense of stability and a shoulder to lean on. This individual is ready to discuss problems, listen, and offer solutions, but only if you ask. They are your rock. They help steady you. This is a good day to spend some time with this individual.


OH MY GIRL went to the mall for a major shopping spree one day to celebrate their 2 days off. 

"Hey, YooA. What do you think of this? It's totally cute, don't you agree?" Hyojung asked.

YooA's mind was somewhere else until Hyojung snapped her out of it. 

"Hey, what's going on?" Hyojung asked. 

"Nothing, really. And that skirt does look pretty cute." YooA said, changing the subject. 

"Come on, girl. You know you can tell me, I won't judge you for it. Did something happen to Woosung?" Hyojung placed a hand on her knee. 

"No, but I've been thinking. I never been in like love before until he has come into my life and now things had never been the same since. Everything seems brighter, happier and even fresher than before. And it all started with a simple hello." She chuckled, "The way he teases me every now and then, how he makes his lame jokes that make me laugh, how he cooks, cleans and even acts. He's just the perfect boyfriend material." 

Hyojung smiled, proud that her boyfriend made her a much better person. 

"You know what? I want to make a song for him." She replied. 

Hyojung gasped and everyone else gathered around, hearing the two's conversation. 

"What's this about making a song?" Mimi asked.

 "You heard me. I want to to do this, I want to show him how much he means to me." YooA said with determined eyes. 

"Awww..... that's so sweet!" Mimi replied. 

"I think it's a great idea." Seunghee said. 

"Me too!" Arin replied. 

"But you don't know how to make a song. None of us do." Jiho replied. 

"That's why I need help. I'm sure the producers don't mind of helping me a little bit." YooA replied. 

So that's what she did. She went to the production team and asked everyone to help her make a song. 

Soon it's concert time and Miracles can't wait for their music. But before they got on stage, YooA has a special announcement to make. 

"Alright, everyone. Has everyone doing well?" YooA asked. 


"Great, well before we start performing remember me, I just want to say something. I've made a track of my own for this album and it's name is called Twlight. It's for my lovely boyfriend who's always been there for me." YooA replied. 

Everyone else cooed and waved their lightsticks. 

"So I hope you guys love this track as much as I do." She said. 

"WE WILL!!" 

The music started with a fresh track and a new beat. 

I think I saw you yeah

I'm just gonna sleep in today
I'm not gonna think about you
I turned off the lights and closed my eyes but at that moment
Oh my gosh (It's crazy)

My heart suddenly starts beating faster
I see the dolls all looking at me
Did the curtains just move?
Who is it? Oh my gosh

It's not midnight yet
It's not Friday the 13th
But it keeps flickering before me, lingering in my ear
It's clearly you

The door and the windows in my heart
I shut and locked them all but
Oh eh oh eh oh
Like a ghost, you pass through walls
Shaking my heart up, shaking me up

It's dark, twilight twilight twilight
It finds you, spotlight spotlight yeah
Oh eh oh eh oh
Like a shadow
You hide behind the heart fluttering memories
Looking at me with a smile

Oh yeah let's count down 123
I hide myself but I can't see you
I know something
I need to find you to end this game

I'm bewitched by you
I'm in a trap
I can only see you

It's not Halloween
It's not a full moon
But my heart keeps pounding, I keep getting goosebumps
I'm getting a strange feeling

The door and the windows in my heart
I shut and locked them all but
Oh eh oh eh oh
Like a ghost, you pass through walls
Shaking my heart up, shaking me up

It's dark, twilight twilight twilight
It finds you, spotlight spotlight yeah
Oh eh oh eh oh
Like a shadow
You hide behind the heart fluttering memories
Looking at me with a smile

If I hold my hand out to you
I can't reach you
I think I know you but I don't
Just show me your heart

Let me hold you baby let me hold you
Let me hold you baby let me hold you
(Just show me your heart)
Let me hold you baby let me hold you
Let me hold you baby let me hold you
(Show me your heart)

The door and the windows in my heart
I shut and locked them all but
Oh eh oh eh oh
Like a ghost, you pass through walls
Shaking my heart up, shaking me up

It's dark, twilight twilight twilight
It finds you, spotlight spotlight yeah
Oh eh oh eh oh
Why are you making me
Stay up all night with open eyes
Everything here looks like you

The show ended with a  loud uproar and Woosung clapped and sang along with them. His heart felt like it was soaring from  unique heights. 

After the concert has finished, Woosung entered backstage and hugged YooA with all of her might.

"You never told that you've made a song for me." He replied. 

"I wanted to. You make me feel special." She smiled. 

He gave a her a cute kiss on the lips which the others can't help but coo. 


A/N: I love this song so much, you guys! 

See you next time!!!!



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