Test time - Binnie

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A/N: This week, there's fresh, new energy.

There's a new moon in Scorpio on Monday, November 13. Also, the sun in Scorpio and your house of relationships opposes Uranus in your own sign of Taurus. There is now some fresh energy in your area of partnerships. If you're looking for love, this is an excellent time to meet someone new. If you're already attached, you might want to shake things up a bit by breaking out of your routine. Even though it's a "school night," it might be a good time to go on a romantic date.

On Tuesday, November 14, Venus in Libra and your house of work makes a quincunx to Jupiter in Taurus. You might have a stack of work on your desk and a line of people who want to see you. Taurus, you could be working an extra shift, or you might have a school deadline on top of a work deadline. Today, you're wishing you could clone yourself to get everything done.


As the girls got ready for their next class, Woosung had walked up to them.

"Hey girls, how are you doing?" He asked. 

"Oh, just doing fine." Seunghee replied. 

"That's great....um, Binnie? I need a favor to ask you." He replied. 

"Whatever favor you have, sort it out yourself." YooA snarked. 

"It's important, you tiny bitch!" He said. 

"What is it?" Binnie asked. 

"I need you to help me study for the upcoming history test that we have next month." He replied, "You're like the smartest kid in school and I defintely need some pointers." 

"Well, too bad. She's not going to be helping you with anything." YooA interjected. 

Woosung is known as a player of the school who likes to sleep who he likes, whenever he likes. YooA despises that ever since the two of them had met and there's a warpath between them. The other girls don't have a problem with it because even if that's true, at least they can still be great friends. 

"YooA, it's fine. I'll help you, Woosung. Your place or mine?" Binnie asked. 

"Mine." He replied. 

"Great, I'll see you there at after school tomorrow." She replied. 

He thanked her as he went off with his mates before sticking his tounge out. YooA was not impressed and crossed her arms at her friend. 

"What?" Binnie asked.

"Why did you say yes?" YooA waved her hands. 

"Why can't she? Just because he's a player doesn't mean that she shouldn't help to tests." Mimi said. 

"Yeah, just give him a chance." Seunghee said. 

"*exaggerated laughter* Please, I rather have creepy crawlies climb up on me." YooA said, before closing her locker.

Tomorrow came around and the both of them got their learning supplies ready to study.

"Okay, let's start by what you do know." She replied. 

"Well.... I know  the american civil war and how there's the jonseon dyansty. But I can't remember their roles on what they do." He replied. 

"Hmmm....." She began to think. 

She got a couple learning cards and made her font to make them stand out. Then with her pen, she wrote down the descriptions. 

"You see, the general is kinda like the boss of the whole war. Every war needs a captain. The general makes the commands based on the position the others are. He never cracks under pressure and comes up with some sort of plan if it starts to get out of hand." He replied. 

By each note, he started to understand a little bit by bit. He even took out a pen and a pad to make notes himself. 

YooA dashed through the hallways to give back Binnie her phone. She accidentally dropped during their IT class together, but then she saw a sight. 

A sight that she never thought that she'd seen. In a empty classroom, she can see her friend and Woosung together. But that wasn't what surprised him. It's the fact that the two were taking notes together and they were laughing.

She looked at the phone before making her presence known.

"Oh hey, YooA. *sees her phone* I thought I have forgotten something!" She said. 

She gladly took back her phone before placing it back in her bag. 

"Am I interrupting anything?" YooA asked. 

"No, we're just about finishing up." He replied. 

"I see." She said. 


It was nighttime and she just can't seem to sleep after seeing Binnie with her worst enemy. It's not like she's jealous or anything, but..... she just can't seem to shake it off of her brain. 

Ha..... why do I keep thinking about it?

She rubbed her eyes and read the clock: 04:12 AM. 

But then, the more that she thought about that, the more she's starting to think that maybe he's not as bad as she wants to believe.

He did look like he was focusing on the notes. And Binnie is the martest girl in the school..... she can make everyone study for a test even if they don't want to..... 

It's now time for the test and YooA was about to sit down at her desk when she saw him. 

"Hey..... good luck on your test." She muttered to him. 

He gave a little nod after he was stunned and made his way to the seat. 

Now it's time for the test results. He looked at his test result and it was an actual pass. He rubbed his eyes before grinning to himself. 

He shot up his chair before showing it to his mates. 

"NO WAY!" 



Binnie went by and saw his test paper.

"What score did you got?" She asked. 

"I've got 100%! That's literally the best score I had ever gotten and it's all thanks to you. You fucking rock!" He exclaimed. 

He hugged her tight as the two chuckled. 

"I'm so happy for you!" She adjusted her glasses. 

YooA looked back at all the commotion and silently, she smiled. Yes, she fucking hates his guts and he does the same, but..... she's glad that he's got the score that he as wanted. 


A/N: What score did you guys get on your tests? 

See you next time!!!!



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