Tunnel of love - SG

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A/N: The last days of Gemini season allow others to take you for granted and help themselves in your relationship, which isn't fair because partnerships should be 50-50 without one party pushing for more. Boundaries are an essential part of every relationship. You have to make sure that people are adhering to the limits you set to maintain a healthy relationship.

This train of thought will help you out on June 21 when you are defining how others treat you. Pay attention to how you deal with others — it'll help you to figure out the partnership you wish to create. As someone who has a passionate nature, there are times when you speak without thinking. Now, you'll know what triggers and upsets others and will always keep that in mind.


Usually, Seulgi loves amusement parks. The rides, the attractions, the cotton candy, but right now this seems to be just a third wheel place. She doesn't even know why she even came here if she knew that Wendy is going to be with Chanyeol.

They were all lovey dovy with each other and that just made her wanna jump inside a hole and never come out of it until after its all over.

"Hey, Seulgi. We're about to go on that rollercoaster. You wanna come?" He asked.

"I think I'm just going to chill over here." Seulgi replied, "You guys go have fun."

"Okay, suit yourself. Come on, Wendy." He said.

The two raced over to the line of the rollercoaster whilst Seulgi was all alone, just going on her phone. After a good few minutes, she looked up to see a familair figure who's at the tunnel of love.

She walked over and saw that it was Jimin crossing his arms.

"Jimin?" She asked.

He looked and smiled before hugging her.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"Third-wheeling. You?" She asked.

"Yeah, aren't we all? Jeongyeon and Sam have just went to the haunted house, but left me out since I can't stand scary things. So here I am, lining up for the tunnel of love like some kind of loser. Pretty pathetic, huh? It's one thing to be third wheeling for a normal couple, but for a gay couple......" He shrugged, finishing off his own sentence.

"Hey, it's all the same though. Do you mind if I pair up with you?" She asked.

"Sure, I can use some company." He replied.

The two waited for their turn at the tunnel of love. As soon as it arrived, the two got sitted in their swan boat as it went along the water.

The tunnel was super dark, but the lights have made up for it. The attractions were super cheesy but they're entertaining nonetheless for the two.

"Hey, that looks more like Chimmy." She replied.

"Really? No, it doesn't. This one has a pink hoddy, Chimmy has a yellow one." He pointed out.

"Why yellow?" She asked.

"Because that's your color, right?" He asked.

Her eyes widnened as she blushed while nodding her head. Jimin realized what he said and he started to blush as well.

"Jimin, is it just me or the moon and the sky are super starry tonight?" She asked.

He looked up at the sky and indeed, she was right. He doesn't know if it's the attractions or the lost feelings in their hearts, but something was sparking between the two friends.

"Wow.... it is as well....." He replied.

The ride went along with the many attractions and the feelings were growing bigger and bigger at this second.

"You know, I'm glad that I get to do this with you. I'm now starting to see why it's really called the tunnel of love. Because it's guaranteed to make everyone and I mean everyone, fall in love or hooking up." He giggled.

"Yeah, it sure does." She giggled.

The two looked at each ohter as the swan boat stopped.

"Um.... Jimin? What about us?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Do you find this exciting or kind of awkward or like?" She started to explain.

"Well.... it was really exciting and...... and...... Oh, who am I kidding? Just us talking on this swan boat is enough to make me experince butterflies. I do't care if I'm getting blunt, I'm just going to say it out loud and proper so the whole world can hear it. Kang Seulgi, that was the best experience of my life!" He let it all out.

"Wait, how do I know it's not just the ride or the atmosphere doing the talking for you?" She asked.

"The truth is..... I've been having a crush on ever since we met back in 2016. You're fun, tomboy like and very easy to talk to. You also like a lot of things, but am I part of all the things you like?" He asked.

Her face lushed a very deep red and she swallowed.

"Yes, yes..... you've always been. I'm just a little surprised that it's all out in the open, but I'm glad you didn't hold it back unlike most people." She giggled.

He leaned for a kiss and she leaned into before their lips collided in unison.

After getting off of the ride, they went through their seperate ways before waving goodbye. As Seulig tucked a piece of hair back, she saw Chanyeol and Wendy waiting for her.

"There you are. Where have you been?" Wendy asked.

"And why is your face all red?" Chanyeol asked.

"Um...... no reason." Seulgi replied, "So shall we get going now?"

"Sure, I think we're all wiped out for the day." He said.

The three started to make their way to the exit. Seulgi looked back at the moments that she shared with Jimin and sighed happily. She looked up and took a deep breath.

Maybe I should be third wheeling all the time.

She giggled as she placed an arm around the couple.

"I wonder what's up with her." Wendy replied.

"Hmmm..... I think, judging by the look on her face, she's gotten more than what she bargained for." Chanyeol smiled.


A/N: And we know the reason too!

See you next time!!!!



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