•||Danger In The Sky||•

47 7 1


Din: alr alr chill! Jeez..

Bay: oohh, WE DEAD, WE DEAD!

din: don't even need to mention it.. 🥲

(With the others)

Pur: we lost them..

Oti: damn it...

Lang: why did that thing even took them..?!..

Sac: hm..

*w/out any warning pur then speed up more, this almost made oti fall off the platform*

Oti: wtf!

Pur: shut up, I'm trying to focus here..

*oti rolled his eyes as he kept himself balanced*

(Back with the victims)

Bay: the forest looks creepy even in the day time-

Din: u could say that again..

*then a sharp purple stick thing came flying almost hitting the robotic bird*

(Idk what the sharp purple thing that pur can make so let's just call it spear)

*the bird turned it's head to look behind and saw the others r catching up, pur was hold a spear, on his right hand*

*pur then threw it to the bird, the bird then dodges it by moving to the left*

Din: oh their here

Bay: I can see-

*oti then spawned a bunch of orange spear then sends it flying towards the bird, the bird immediately dodges it all*

Din: oh geez.. I'm gonna be sick...

Bay: my head hurts-

*oti then spawned five spears and send it flying to the bird, the bird then moves upward, so in stead of the spears going towards the bird, it all went towards din and bay*

Bay: HEY!

din: AHH!

(With the others)

Pur: oti! U could of hit them both!!

Oti: it's not my fault, the bird moved up!

(With the two)

Bay: oh sht-..

Din: huh? What's wrong..?

Bay: a tree!! We're gonna hit a tree!!

Din: holy.. no no NO!!..

Bay: bird, birdy- gah! Robot bird, go up!! GO UP!!!

*the bird then dived down to the woods, so bay and din r now close to the ground*

Bay: oh gosh..

Din: phew..

(With the others)

Pur: damn it!..

Sac: how tf did that bird even fit down there-

(With the two)

Bay: alr my arms are starting to hurt-

Din: when will this end😭?

*the bird then flew back up to the sky, higher than before*

Din: oh boy-

*w/out warning the bird then dashes, to the city*

*at this point, the others completely lost the bird*

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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