•||The Club||•

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(Bay woke up, and saw pur doing something so, he sat up)

Bay: pur..? *yawns* what r u.. Doing..?

(pur turned to see bay sitting on the bed, then he put something down before going to bay, kneeling down in front of him, while bay is still sitting on the bed)

Pur: just getting ready something for the mission later... Now come on.. I have to tell the plan..

*pur said before standing up and picking up bay, before getting out of the room*

(Pur went to the living room then sat bay down on the couch before sitting next to him)

Bay: did u really have to pick me up... I have leg y'know....

Pur: u were to slow..

Bay: I was about to get off the bed! U know what nvm...

(They both then waited for the others to wake up)

Bay: I'm bored..!

Pur: ur always bored...

Bay: so?..

Pur: don't use that word on me bay...

Bay: soooo..?

Pur: ... Bay.. I swear im gonna-

Bay: no no, nvm.. I'm sorry, haha..

Pur: .. Hm.. Thought so...

(Time skip where the others woke up and now in the living)

Lang: ok pur.. What's the plan?

Pur: ok.. So.. We need to get in to a room, the door is painted in purple paint... And that door is at the right side of the club... But there is 6 bodyguards guarding the door.. 2 guys out side and 4 in side

Din: ok.. So what can we do to.. U know, get the bodyguards out or lead them out or something?

Pur: .. It will be disgusting... But the only thing that can lead them somewhere is.. U know what, just wear at least a dress or something... With short skirt..

Oti: and... who is doing the distracting.. Part..?

*Sac then looked at bay and din*

Sac: what about them?

(Sac said while pointing at bay and din)

Bay: what?! Nuh uh!

Din: there is no way I'm wearing a short skirt!

Oti: hm.. U both do look like the soft type of guy...

Bay: hey!

Sac: chill.. It's just for the mission..

Oti: and make it quick.. Cause I can see these two(pur and lang) don't like the plan...

Pur: we can just think of another plan...

Oti: nah I think this plan is perfect and more easy...

Sac: yeah.. I agree with oti on this one...

Bay: hm... Fine we will do it

Din: bay?!

Bay: let's just get over with it, it can't be that bad right?

Pur: oh dw... Cause it is..

Bay: meh.. I think I can handle it..

Pur: no u will no-

Oti: ok that's enough, ur to over protective, let's just move on with the plan..

• The Night  /|\  Pur X Bay •Where stories live. Discover now