•||The Figure||•

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(The next day)

(Everyone was in the living room, except bay, din and lang)

(Bay, and din r in the kitchen, lang is in the bathroom)

(Bay is on the sink washing dishes, lang is in the bathroom, idk, taking a shit, din is with bay but sweeping the floor)

Din: hey bay.. do u feel someone watching?

Bay: that's the most random shit u have ever asked me-

Din: just answer my question!

Bay: alr alr, no, I don't feel anyone watching why?

Din: I can just feel someones watching..

Bay: ur just paranoid

Din: .. Could be true-

Bay: lol

(they both then heard, loud noises in the bathroom, after the noises we're gone, Lang then got out of the bathroom)

Lang: y'all don't use the bathroom

Bay: why?

Din: is ur shit that explosive-

Lang: what no!


lang: bay shut up! And bc there is like 20 cockroaches in there-

Bay: AHAHahah.. Wait what-

Lang: u heard me

Bay: how tf is there 20 roaches?!..

Lang: dunno-

Din: guess I'm peeing outside

Bay: same

(With the guys in the living room)

Sac: y'all I'm boooreeed

Oti: go jump off a building

Sac: hey!

Oti: what? U said ur bored

Sac: yeah, I said I was bored not, I wanna die

Oti: now u did

Sac: ...

Pur: u guys r random asf-

Oti: says the guy who randomly talks out of nowhere

Pur: what does that even have to do with-.. U know what forget it

Sac: hey who's that outside the window?

(Sac said as he pointed out the person outside the window)

(Pur and oti followed sacs finger and saw a black figure, before it went away)

Pur: what the fuc-

Oti: that's the most random shit that had happened to me

Pur: no but fr who tf was that?

Sac: dude I thought no one would find our base-

(Back with the guys in the kitchen)

(Bay finishes washing the dishes)

Bay: finally! My hands r wet asf-

Lang: no shit

Din: what did u expect, u were "washing" the dishes with "water"

Bay: u guy r making me feel dumb

Din: u r?

Bay: ...


Bay: bro shut up!!


• The Night  /|\  Pur X Bay •Where stories live. Discover now