•||First Mission||•

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(Bay woke up but only to see himself on the bed, pur has already woken up, as bay sat up front he bed he noticed all his stuff arranged nicely on the spaces that was meant for his stuffs)

Bay: hm.. Did.. Pur did this or.. Nvm..

*bay then got up from the bed then starts to walk out of the room*

(Bay saw only din sitting on the couch watching TV)

Bay: yo, mornin'din!

*din turned his head to face bay, then smiles*

Din: morning!

(din said before facing the TV again)

*bay then walked to din and sit next to him*

(But then both of them heard someone open a door and close from behind, they turned to face who it is)

Sac: oh u guys are already, awake..?

*sac said with a tired voice*

Bay: oh.. Uh yeah!

Din: I thought u were with the others-

Sac: nah.. I stayed up late yesterday so I didn't able to wake up early, where r they anyways-

Bay: dunno, I just woke up-

Din: not sure

Sac: they must have went somewhere.. I mean.. Pur haven't told us any mission yet.. So I'm pretty sure they ain't in a mission..

Bay: oh I forgot we r mafias-

Din: so, do me and bay have to do a mission as well..?

Sac: obviously

Din: well dang

Bay: hm, sound fun to me

Sac: easy for u to say, ur kinda chaotic

Bay: am not!

Sac: yeah sure whatever u say

Din: wait do they even eaten anything before they go out?

Sac: they usually not eat, so it's possible, but not me, I eat, anytime when needed, or just want to-

Bay: they still eat after right?

Sac: sometimes yeah, sometimes no, I had to force them to eat sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't

Din: well dang r u like the father in the group?

Sac: what no!

Bay: lol, but r y'all hungry?

Din: a little

Sac: kinda but yeah

Bay: alr, I'm gonna cook

Din: hold it there, I'm helping u

Sac: me to, I have nothing else to do anyways

Bay: aight

(They then went to the kitchen and starts to prepare the ingredient that is needed)

Din: do we have to cook a lot of food?

Bay: I mean, why not?

Sac: alr just make sure not to waste the food..

Bay: I got u my guy!

(They then starts to cook)

(Din is doing the chop chop part, sac and bay is doing the baking, boiling, cooking part)

Din: bay I swear if u cause another fire I'm gonna slap the crap out of u

Bay: alr alr jeez

Sac: u cause a fire?

• The Night  /|\  Pur X Bay •Where stories live. Discover now