Alisa the Idol Girl!

Start from the beginning

Ackdos: I like your greatest achievement Ryosuke Kaihara killing the Idol Ai Hoshino of B Komachi now seeing her she is being revived.

Ryosuke: I already killed her and I'm gonna do it again!

Warz: Let's see if you can kill her again by fusing as one with Buramudo.

Suddenly Ryosuke and Buramudo started combining as him and Buramudo started to become one. Now Ryosuke Kaihara's true identity is Buramudo.

 Now Ryosuke Kaihara's true identity is Buramudo

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Buramudo: Ruuuaaaaagggghhhh!!!!!

Zaein: Hahahaha excellent it worked! Between Human and a Monster.

Ackdos: Now you know what to do Ryosuke Kaihara or should I call you Buramudo.

Buramudo: Don't worry Ackdos gills when I kill Ai Hoshino again I'll make sure the New Gokaigers will be finished. Gormins Sugormins let's go.

Back in the agency where Alisa is practicing her Idol skills a lot.

Manager: Very Good Hoshino San still remembering the moves.

Alisa: Thank you.

But an aware Gokaiger's parrot Mavi is watching.

Mavi: I see how Alisa chan is pretending to be Ai Hoshino who's still alive. Hope she can survive this.

Meanwhile the Gokaigers were taking a break.

Jun: Mouuu when will Alisa have to take a break from being a Idol?

Sosuke: Don't worry about it as long as Ryosuke Kaihara don't know Ai Hoshino is alive he'll be shot dead with Alisa's Gokai gun by now.

Jiro: Hey isn't that a crime?! Murdering people Sosuke San!?

Sosuke: We'll have to find out if Ryosuke fused himself with a monster from the Zangyack Empire Clan. I'm sure he made a deal with Ackdos.

Back inside the agency.

Alisa is done when Ryosuke Kaihara showed.

Alisa: "Thought"(Oh my the Killer of Ai Hoshino it's him I need to get away before he catches me.)

Suddenly Ryosuke tried to stab her but she grabbed out her double Gokai Gun and shoots him but there's no blood coming out from his body.

Ryosuke: How can you be alive!? I killed you Infront of your kids!

Alisa: You may have killed me but I was revived by good friends.

Then Ryosuke revealed his true monster form as Buramudo.

Buramudo: Die!

Buramudo started shooting her with his double magnum gun.

Alisa shoots the window and jumps off the building landing on his Gokaiger friends.

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