Chapter 18 - I Am Always With You

Start from the beginning

Mon smile, pick up a stone from foot of her chair, then throw towards Sam, Sam turn around her head looked at her, then turn back still talking with the woman.

"See Ma, even she doesn't care"
"You are funny Mon"
"I am not funny Ma"

Then she called her daughter, but Little Sam turn around but didn't answered her, then continue to play.
Mon sit with her pouted lip.

"Mon, sweetheart, its time for Ma to go, I just came to visit you, remember you have a very bright future with her, she will take care of you"
"But Ma I need you"

"Remember, Ma is always with you, my princess "
"Ma don't go, I missed you"
"I love you, I will always looked after you and your family"

It's start raining, Mon's mother walk away from her, Mon try to followed her, but she couldn't move her body, its all glued to the ground. Mon is crying, crying her heart out calling her mother.

Rain drops start to fall on her face. She listen her wife voice calling her, she looked around, her wife, her daughter all gone.

"Mommy, Mommy "
Mon opened her eyes, someone is shaking her body, she can feel falling of hot tears on her cheek.

She saw Sam is sitting next to her, holding a water bottle.
Mon closed her eyes, it was all her dream, it felt so real, so real, she can't believe it's just her dream. Fresh tears start to falls.

"Mommy, can you looked at me"
Sam asked
Mon didn't answered, she was angry towards Sam in the dream, that feeling was still there, still fresh.

"Mommy, why you crying, did you had bad Dreams?"
"Please, Go"
"Did you have nightmare? You were crying in your sleep, I couldn't make you wake up, so I had to sprinkle water"

Mon thought it was not rain, it was Sam sprinkling water on her face.

Sam is touching Mon's face
"Please, Don't touch me"
"What Mommy?"
"Do you have someone on my back,?"
"Do you have some other girl on my back"
"What Mommy? Where is this come from?"
"Go I don't want to see you"
"Mommy, what happened in your dream"

"If you love me, please go."

Sam gulped, she want to stay but Mon is not happy with her. She went out, before she slipped through the door, she turn

"Mommy, I will be in next room with princess, if you need anything just text me, even you don't want to talk to me"

Mon didn't answered, she just turn around and cry her heart out. She missed her mother very much.

Sam is staying with her daughter, after she made dinner, she doesn't know what to do, her wife is mad for something she doesn't know.

She want to go comfort her wife, but she thought what if she make the situation worst.
But, she can used her daughter. So Sam told her daughter to go to her Mama and asked to have dinner, she is worried about Mon not having dinner.

Mon is laying on the bed, Little Sam came towards the room, Mon smile to see her daughter.
"Uhmm Bunny, Mama was tired so, I sleep"
"Ok Mama, I am hungry let's eat"
"Where is Dada?"
"In kitchen"

Mon looked at her phone, its already 9. She is hungry too, can't avoid food for her child that is inside her.
"Ok, lets go Bunny"

Mon get up, hold her daughter hand walk out of the bedroom. They walk down the stairs, Mon is holding the railing.

Sam worried about Mon climbing up and down the stairs, but Mon said it's good exercise, she said she will be careful. And there is only 12 steps. Sam even put non slip stair treads for stair to make stairs less slippery. Even Sam doesn't allowed shoes on the stairs, for Little Sam too.

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