Chapter 9: Radha

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Arjun checked his watch for the umpteenth time as I tapped my foot impatiently and looked at the road again. This is ridiculous.

We got off the plane at 1:00 AM, and thanks to Arjun, I spent the last two hours on the flight with no sleep as His Royal Annoyingness got his beauty sleep. I was already cranky from being woken up from my sleep. Especially by that idiot trash can. To make matters worse, our luggage didn't come on time. We had to wait for half an hour at the baggage carousel because it just kept spinning with the same bags and ours didn't appear. We were getting annoyed and started blaming each other for the luggage not arriving yet. I mean seriously, what did you expect? This is me and Arjun we're talking about here. Never have we once had a civil discussion. It's always bickering. Well, except for that one hotel incident with Ron, but we don't talk about that. Shhhh.

And now, for the cherry on top on my day gone wrong, our parents are not here yet to pick us up. It was now 2:00 AM. Like seriously!

"You know what, I'll just book a cab or Uber. I don't think they'll show up," Arjun said, taking out his phone.

"Wow, should have thought of that earlier Mr. SmartyPants," I rolled my eyes.

Arjun gave me a cold stare in return. "You can book your own Uber if you want. No need to stick together anymore."

"Yeah, let the girl go with a creepy Uber driver at 2:00 in the morning. Way to be manly, Arjun," I said, pulling the manliness string. Meena Aunty was right. It always works on him.

He gave me an annoying look and sighed as I smirked knowing that I won this one.

"You're literally just another piece of baggage. Always need to take you around. They should have put you with the suitcases too," Arjun muttered under his breath. I heard him though.

I recoiled a little at his thoughts and looked away. That's all I am to anyone. Just another burden. Maybe I should go in a different Uber.

Arjun just went back to scrolling on his phone. I took out mine and booked another Uber for myself. Mom and Dad, why can't you just show up for once?

No luck though. Uber said they'll be here in another seven minutes. I looked around impatiently as the clock ticked by. Suddenly a black Mercedes SUV pulled up. A guy in his early 20's rolled down the windows.

"Pick up for Radha?" he said, causing Arjun to look up. I raised my hand to signal I was coming to the driver, and started rolling my suitcases towards the car.

"Wait where are you going? What's happening?" Arjun said, confused.

I just ignored him and gave my luggage to the driver. He was putting them in the trunk, and I opened the back door to get inside when an arm gripped my forearm and pulled me back.

"Let me go, Arjun," I seethed, pulling my arm away. But he just held on.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"To hell! Even that place sounds better than being with you!" I accused.

The driver got behind the wheel and was waiting.

"He's waiting, I need to go," I said, pulling my arm free. Arjun just gave me a blank stare.

I opened the door and got in, slamming the door in Arjun's face.

Before the driver could start, Arjun knocked on the window. The driver rolled it down.

"I'm coming too. Sorry for the last minute notice. I'll give you a good tip and a five star rating," Arjun offered.

The driver looked between me and Arjun and chuckled. "Sure, hop in kid. I'll bring your luggage."

Arjun opened the door and gave me a look before sitting down on the other end of the car.

"Nobody asked you to come. Go in the Uber you booked," I said, looking out the window.

"And let you go by yourself? Are you kidding?" he said, exasperated. "What will our parents say if something happens? I don't want to be held responsible for your stubbornness."

"Nothing happens to a piece of luggage," I said, examining my fingernails and thinking what color I could paint them for the wedding. I'm just thinking of anything other than Arjun.

Understanding dawned open Arjun as he threw his head back and gave a deep sigh. Then he closed his eyes and dragged a hand down his face. Overaction. He should get the Oscar award for this acting. As if he even cares.

The driver got in, a little too cheerfully for 2:00 in the morning.

"Where to, kids?" he said, pulling up the GPS.

"Marriott's Grande Vista," I replied.

The driver whistled as he started the car and got on the road. "That's a really expensive hotel! Are you guys here for a wedding or something?"

"Yeah, actually," I nodded enthusiastically. "It's my cousin's wedding. And my first wedding, too. Believe it or not, it's actually my first time out of state too!"

"Wow, that's a lot of firsts," the driver nodded. "Where are you from?"

"Cali," Radha shrugged. "It's a pretty big state, never needed to go out of it," I laughed as the driver joined in.

Arjun just closed his eyes and tried to sleep. As if he didn't get enough on the plane while I stayed awake.

The driver and I kept chatting, and suddenly, I felt a weight on my shoulder. I flinched and turned around quickly to find Arjun's head. On my shoulder. Are you kidding me? Suddenly, the car went over a pothole in the road and jerked forward, causing Arjun's head to fall in my lap. What the actual hell? Gods, what is going on?

I literally just froze in place. I was wearing shorts, so Arjun's cheek was on my bare skin. It felt so weird.

What to do? Should I just wake him up like he woke me up on the plane? I reached down to pull his 'perfectly gelled' hair, but stopped midway. I grinned evilly as I took my phone and took a picture of him sleeping on my lap like a lost puppy. I saved it to my album of Arjun's Blackmail, and locked my phone again.

"Are you gonna wake up your boyfriend? You should let him sleep, he looks really tired," the driver said.

"Oh no no, he's not my boyfriend," I shook my head vigorously. "We're enemies. Our parents are really close, so we end up together all the time, but trust me, the only thing boiling between us is his pure hate," I assured.

"You let enemies sleep in your lap? Wow, you must be really nice," the driver laughed. "I can bet on it that by the end of this wedding, you'll be more than enemies, or even friends for that matter."

I laughed at the driver's insane thoughts. Arjun groaned a little in sleep before turning the other way, so that his face pressed against my stomach. I froze again. Oh gods, what is this trash can doing to me? What is happening?

Instead of waking him up, I just took another picture. The look on his face when I show his friends.

Now I need to wake him up. This is ridiculous. I bent down and shook Arjun by the shoulders. He didn't move at all. Right. He's a deep sleeper. How lucky of me.

I tried shaking him again, a little harder this time. Still no luck. This time I shook him as hard as I could. This time, he groaned, and just pressed his face deeper into my stomach.

"10 more minutes, please," he muttered, pulling my shirt.

I was probably so red right now, it wasn't even funny. The driver just chuckled quietly. "Enemies, yea totally. I can totally see that."

I sighed but looked out the window, and couldn't stop the yawn forming in my mouth. I looked down at Arjun, snoring in my stomach. He looks like a baby who was cuddled up in my lap.

Wait what the heck am I thinking about! Jesus Christ. I'm not ok these days.

Honestly though, when am I ever ok when it comes to Arjun? 

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