Chapter 6: Arjun

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"But Ma! Why with her?" I asked again for the thousandth time.

"No more complaining, Arjun. Hari Uncle and Rashmi Aunty are coming with us on the flight, but you and Radha have exams so you come the day after. Now help me fit the last sari in the suitcase and zip it up," Ma said, pointing at the suitcase on the bed.

Two weeks after the hotel incident, Radha's wrists were all better, Ron got expelled, and now we have midterms. But lucky for me, my older cousin is having his wedding over spring break. And guess who he's marrying? Radha's cousin. Great. Just great. Does this make us..., actual family? Yuck. Our parents already act like it, but did they really have to make it official? Good job Rohan Bhai. Thanks a lot. You just had to fall in love with Radha's cousin.

"Arjun, did you hear me? I said call Radha and make plans on how you guys will get to the airport and stuff, and what you will do once you reach Orlando," my dad called from the other room.

"Yea yea, we'll discuss in school after the midterms," I reply, not wanting to talk to that devil right now.

"You'll be home alone tonight, that's ok, right? You want to go to Sid's house instead?" Ma asked.

"Yea, I'll go to Sid's house, it's cool," I tell her, zipping up the suitcases and pulling out the handles as my dad walks into the master bedroom to grab his wallet.

"Better go soon, we are leaving now," my dad said, patting my back. "And take care of my angel for me. Be nice to her, okay?"

I coughed. Angel, yea right. Radha is more like a she-demon. But of course, she ends up being everyone's favorite. Even my parent's!

"Oh, speaking of her, I made some paneer tikka masala, it's in the fridge. She will be home alone today too, drop it off at her house before going to Sid's," Ma called, wearing her shoes.

See what I mean? Paneer tikka masala is Radha's favorite, Palak Paneer is mine, but what does my mom make? Her favorite. Of course. Ugh.

"Yup, will do!" I say with a fake smile. "You both have a safe flight there, I'll come soon."

"You too, my Pumpkin," Ma said, hugging me before stepping out the door with my dad.

And with that, my parents were off to Florida and I was off to Sid's.


"We don't need to go there 4 hours before the flight! An hour is enough. There won't even be much of a crowd Wednesday evening, Trashcan!" Radha snaps.

"Still! There is nothing wrong with going early! If not 4 hours then at least 2 hours before, ok? The flight is at 8:00, so I'll pick you up at 5:00. It'll take one hour to get there, so we'll be there by 6:00. Security and all will take an hour and a half, and we can get dinner the remaining half an hour." I argued.


"No buts. This is final. Be ready at 5:00 sharp. Or I'm going without you," I warn.

Radha sighs in defeat while Sid and Sahira stifle their laughs.

"You both are so ahhhhhhhhh!" Sahira threw her hands all over the place.

Radha and I shot Sahira the look. "What is that supposed to mean?" Radha questioned, her voice dead serious.

"Nothing! Nothing, ignore that!" Sahira squeaked while Sid laughed.

I rolled my eyes at the two of them and continued to eat my sandwich. These people I tell you. I don't even know how they ended up my friends.


I drummed on my steering wheel while looking out the window again. 5:05, and Radha still wasn't here. This girl. I called her, and she picked up on the second ring.

"Coming, coming, let me wear my shoes for god's sake," she mutters.

"Ok come fast."

I cut the call and turned on the radio. Shape of You came on, and I was humming along because why not.

Moments later, her door swung open, and she tried to haul two gigantic suitcases down the driveway. She was clearly failing.

I got out and took the suitcases from her. She looked at me with a confused expression.

"Never knew you were the kind to help," Radha shrugged.

"I don't want to get late to the airport, you'll take all day to get the suitcases in the trunk," I grunted.

Radha just rolled her eyes and got into the back. I internally sighed in relief. I did not want her to sit in the passenger seat next to me. We'll probably get into another accident. Right when I got into my seat, she got out of the back and sat in the passenger seat. I gave her a questioning look.

"Your suitcase and bags are in the back. Not enough space for me," She replied, buckling her seatbelt and reclining the seat back.

I grunted and started driving. When I got on the highway, the sun was falling on her through the window. It was getting hot in the car.

"Is the AC even on?" she muttered sleepily.

"Yeah," I said.

"Turn it up a little more," she said, turning the other side to sleep.

I rolled my eyes at her Royal Sleepiness but increased the AC nonetheless.

"It's still too hot," Radha grumbled.

"The AC is on it's max," I shrugged. "Deal with it."

"Whatever," Radha rolled her eyes. She just started to take her sweatshirt off. Not that I was paying attention or anything.

When the sweatshirt was over her face, her shirt came up, revealing her midriff. I immediately looked back at the road and tried to stop the blush creeping up my neck. She finally pulled it off - I felt like she was doing it in slow motion just to make me uncomfortable.

Radha just gave me an innocent smile as she leaned back and threw the sweatshirt in the back. All she had on was a tank top which was a little too revealing for my liking. Whatever, I'm just gonna ignore her.

"How much longer?" Radha whined, checking the time.

"I told you it'll take an hour! Wait patiently for once, we're only halfway there," I said, annoyed at her whining and her dressing choice.

"30 minutes? I'm taking a nap. Wake me up when we're there," Radha said, reclining the seat all the way back. She folded her hands behind her head, closed her eyes, and put her feet up on the dashboard.

I sighed at her dramaticness and continued driving, but couldn't stop myself from smiling. Typical Radha. Such a drama queen. 

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