Chapter 3: Jay

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"Yo, what's wrong with you today? Why you blanking out every three seconds?" Keshav yelled from the other side of the phone.

"Ughh, it's nothing Kesh, just leave it," I muttered, rubbing my forehead.

"No, something's up. Tell me. Did that Priya cheat on you? I bet she did. I told you from the start-"

"It's not Priya," I grumbled. "And we already broke up last week. Don't you remember?"

"Oh, yeah...., so then who is it?" Keshav asked.

"Why does it have to be someone? It could be something," I argued, not happy with the fact that Keshav already knows it's about someone. But then again, what are best friends for?

"Oh please, J-J, with you it's always someone," Keshav sighed, and I could sense him rolling his eyes at me. "So spill the deets fast bro, I don't have much time, soccer practice is in another 15 minutes."

"Why did the coach call for soccer practice on a Sunday?" I asked.

"Jay," Keshav warned. "Don't divert the topic."

I sighed in defeat. "My dad's best friend who lives in India passed away. The best friend's daughter was all alone there, so Dad being Dad decided to bring her here to live with us. And now she's just going around the house and talking to my parents like she's been here for years! I mean come on, they just met! And to make it worse, Mom's forcing her to share a room with me, and she's talking back to me. To me!" I am exaggerating, trying to make my point clear.

"Hmmm," Kesh hummed, as if in deep thought. "Well, is she pretty though?"

I facepalmed. Typical Kesh. "Dude, are you kidding?"

"Oh please, don't act like you don't care."

"I don't care."

"Really, so she'd look like a water buffalo and you'd still allow her to share your room? This girl must really be something if you gave up so easily," Kesh grinned, and I could hear the teasing in his voice.

"It's not like that, Kesh!" I grumbled. "She's really getting on my nerves."

"By doing what?"

"By just being in the same room as me!"

"Woah, she must be insanely pretty. Can I come over after practice?"


"Ok, ok, geez! You know I still don't have a girlfriend yet, just thought you could help me out, but if you're being so possessive then you must have fallen real hard," Kesh muttered.

"That's it Kesh, no more talking to you. You're not helping me one bit," I said, cutting the call.

I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair, eyeing the dividing wall with mixed emotions. I thought back to what Kesh said. Well, is she pretty?

I mean, if you call golden brown skin with hazel eyes and brown hair that falls like a chocolate waterfall pretty, then yeah, I guess she's pretty. But that doesn't matter to me. She came into my house, invaded my personal space, and expects me to be nice? Hell no.

Samira Patel, you better get ready for the worst. 

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