Chapter 2: Samira

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The plane was long, but I didn't mind. Talking to Armaan Uncle was amazing, and time flew by in no time. We got first class seats because Armaan Uncle is a big business man, and everyone treated him (and me too) with the utmost respect.

Armaan Uncle warmed up to me really fast. I could see how he was Pa's best friend; both had the same sense of humor and carefree nature. We cracked jokes and talked about school, studies and friends. I actually never told anyone so much about my life, besides family of course. I felt like I finally found my best friend I've always wanted. Someone who I can tell everything to.

"Let me guess, Nikki told your mom everything in the end?" Armaan Uncle asked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively like a teenager.

I couldn't help but burst into laughter as I nodded. "She couldn't hold anything back. I was in so much trouble that day. Ma didn't let me even go in a 100 foot radius around the theatre. And you know what Ram said to that? He was like 'I didn't ask for all this trouble, Sam! I just wanted to hang out with you. How was I supposed to know you're allergic to romance movies?'!!"

With that, we both burst into laughter again. "So, your friends call you Sam?" Armaan Uncle asked. I nodded my head, wiping away my laughing tears. I haven't laughed this long in months. Not since the accident.

"Yeah," I replied. "But now they're not my friends anymore. I won't be able to meet them anymore..."

"Excuse me? Are you saying I'm not your friend?" Armaan Uncle said, feigning a look of hurt as he dramatically clutched his heart. "Are you saying I can't call you Sam too?"

"Alright, alright," I grinned. "You can call me Sam, Uncle."

"Oh no no, if we're friends you don't get to Uncle me. I call you Sam, and you call me... hmm....." Uncle said, tapping his chin.

"Mani! I'll call you Mani," I said. "It's the best nickname I could think of for Armaan," I shrugged when he looked confused.

"Mani it is," Uncle grinned.

I looked out the window again, and this time, the pilot gave an announcement.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we will land in 10 minutes. Welcome to America."


Uncle, sorry, Mani got his attendant/driver Suresh to get our bags from the baggage carousel as we got into a white Mercedes SUV. Suresh came with the luggage, and we were zooming off.

"So..., I should warn you about some stuff at home...," Mani started, rubbing his hands together in a worried manner.

"What is it, Mani?" I asked.

"Nothing Sam, just that, I have a son who's your age, his name is Jay, he's kind of moody, gets angry quickly, so just, be a little careful around him. You're going to be going into 12th grade with him, so just wanted to let you know," he said nervously.

"Mani, you already know me. I've dealt with plenty of guys like this before. Prem, Ram, and Sunny were more than enough to keep me prepared for the worst," I grinned, hoping to reduce Mani's unnecessary worry.

Fortunately, Mani relaxed when he saw my face. He gave me a cheeky smile. "My son is worse. Trust me. So don't come crying and blaming his bullying on me in a month," Mani raised his hands in surrender. I laughed along with my uncle, and soon we were here. We stopped in front of a huge, latest model mansion. Mani is super rich..., dang.

We walked into an enormous driveway surrounded by a garden. We entered through the front door, where a cheerful woman opened the door. She looked really beautiful, and not a day older than 30.

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