Chapter Twenty Three

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Woooooo hey guys I'm back! It's been a month, but I haven't forgotten about you all! How about we continue on our little journey :))

Warmth, happiness, security, joy, all these emotions were flooding through my body as I pushed up against Tyson, my lips stuck to his. I wasn't thinking, I was just doing. Which was a first for me, normally I'm the type of person who thinks out everything before I do it, but not now. I didn't care what he thought, the attraction I felt to this boy was too much to handle, I had to kiss him. Just had to.

I felt him stiffen a few seconds into the kiss, before he gently pushed at me, my lips freeing from his. Instantly after the connection is broken, I feel my heart beat faster, the blood rush up to my cheeks and I start to actually think.

What the hell did I just do.

I don't dare look up at him, I stare at his chest for what seems like hours before I felt him laugh. More blood rushed to my face. He was laughing, great. I just made a complete fool of myself infront of him. I felt like crying, but no, I wouldn't give him that satisfaction.

"I'm sorry." I said, pushing myself away and starting to turn around, but he gently grabs my arm and turns me back, facing him. I look at his face and he's got a goofy smile plastered there. 

"Sorry? Sorry for what?" he asked, raising an eyebrow in that oh-so adorable way.

"For, ah, you know, kissing you?" I stuttered, running a hand through my hair. He laughed again, and my eyes flickered down.

"Don't be sorry! I wasn't laughing at you." Tyson stated, and I looked at him confusingly. 

He smiled down at me before continuing, "I was laughing at the fact that you happen to be a way better kisser then all the other girls I have ever kissed." 

Yep, the butterflies are back. My cheeks turn crimson and I look away, "Shut up." I mumbled, but I smiled just the smallest. Did he mean it? I don't know, but I was in a way too good of a mood to think otherwise. Suddenly his hand was on my face, and the sensation it left was enough for me to hold my breath. But before anything else could happen, another voice floated through the air.

"Maya? Is that you?" a familiar female voice called. I furrowed my eyebrows before I turned my head, Tyson's hand dropping away from my face, a low sigh coming from his body. Surely enough, the voice was familiar, and I spot Tara making her way across the park. I instantly step away from Tyson, I don't know why. I guess it's the good girl in me that knows I can't be seen with a guy like him.

"Hey, Tara!" I said, smiling lightly. What was she doing here? As she reached us, I saw her look Tyson up and down, taking in his gown. She then looks at me, a confused expression on her face. Did she see me kiss Tyson? I hope not. I really don't need anyone knowing about it.

"Something's telling me you-" she moved her expression over to Tyson, "Are not supposed to be here." she said, placing her hands on her hips.

"Really? What makes you think that?" he asked cockily, looking down at his hospital gown. A small smile appears on Tara's face.

"Come on, let's head back to the hospital." she says, not asking anymore questions. As she turns and walks away, Tyson and I follow. The awkwardness in the air between us is almost too much to handle, I feel the temptation to look at him, see his gorgeous eyes and amazing smile, but it's much easier to just stare at the ground. We reach the cars pretty quickly.

"I'll take Tyson back Maya, it'll look much better as we pull up to the hospital, knowing that he's with me." she said, and I nodded. Some disappointment crept up into me, the fact that I wasn't going to get to be alone with him, but I shoved it away.

"Ofcourse, I'll meet you there." I said, unlocking my car and climbing it. I don't even stop to wait for Tara, or look at Tyson, I just pull away and begin the drive back to the hospital.

"Oh my god." is all I manage to say as I drive away, my hands gripping the steering wheel so hard that my knuckles turn white. Why the hell did I kiss him? I'm not that type of person! I don't want a boyfriend, I don't want any kind of relationship, and it was my first kiss! I wasted it, on Tyson! But all of a sudden those thoughts go quiet. I didn't waste it, no way. Tyson was the person I wanted to kiss, so I did it. And..and he liked it. The thought made my stomach erupt with butterflies once again, and I smiled stupidly through the town.

As I got to the hospital I realised Tara and Tyson were already there, talking to the security guards. They must have taken a shortcut, ofcourse Tara would know one, she lived here. I park my car and walk up to them, just in time to hear the end of the discussion.

"I'll take your word for it Tara, if you said he was merely feeling pressured and wasn't up to any criminal business, I'll let him off."

I felt a great weight lift of my shoulders, he wasn't going to get into trouble. The security guards nodded at Tara, before they lead Tyson away. I felt disappointed again, I wanted to speak to him. He looked back at my direction before he entered the hospital, for a second it was merely a glance, but then a smile formed on his face and something inside me clicked, and I smiled back. Then he disappeared behind the doors. Tara sighed before she turned around to face me.

"So, you're the knight in shining armor who came to his rescue are you?" she asked, and I laughed lightly. 

"I wouldn't call it much of a rescue." I said back to her, as we turned and walked towards our cars. It was a silent walk, and something in the air made me feel unneasy.

"So, I never knew you two were together." she said, and all of a sudden I felt like I was going to faint.

"We-we aren't!" I gasped, looking at her as we stopped at the cars.

"But, you kissed eachother.." she pushed on, looking at me strangely. Great, so she did see it.

"It was..a spur of the moment type thing." I answered, looking down at the ground, slightly embarrassed. I felt her laugh beside me.

"It's alright, I get it. He was insanely cute." she said, and I looked back up at her. Her smile was just too warm and I smiled back, "Yeah I guess he is."

"Well, I'm pooped. I've had a large shift at the hospital and I'm super tired. I'll talk to you another time, Maya." Tara said, and I nodded at her. 

She got into her car, and I mirrored her. I sat in the car seat for a while, before I turned the key and felt the engine come to life.


Mum wasn't worried when I got home, she trusted me so she knew I wasn't up to anything bad. I bounded up into my room, slipping on some pjs before hopping onto my bed. The familiarness of it was comforting, and I snuggled up under the covers. I pulled up my phone, and began to flick through it, going through social media and such. I was about to put it down when it started to vibrate, and Sarah's name came up on the screen. I scowled, I didn't want to speak to her. Not after what Tyson told me about her. I was about to press 'end', but my finger hovered above the red button, and instead I pressed answer.

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