That Dang Dilo

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Prompt: Can you do an an Owen x reader where there a vet at the park and for what ever reason the Dino's don't see her as a threat and is kinda know around the park for it. But one day for what ever reason a dinosaur (doesn't matter what kind) attacks her and Owens the only one around not scared ****less to go save her from inside the what ever paddock she's in?

Requested by: Anon

A/N: The prompts keep flowing in, and I'm gonna write them!

They all said you had a gift, and you supposed it sort if felt like one. Being able to instantly connect to the animals you helped heal had its extreme advantages, but once you had started going out into the training fields, you and everyone else realized that your gift went much farther than the initial connection.

The dinosaurs loved you. That was really the easiest way to put it. Every time you'd come near their cage, paddock, whatever- they would stop and stare at you, as if asking for permission to continue doing what they were doing. The park staff started calling you the dinosaur queen.

You didn't like pushing your luck, but going into their cages didn't seem such a big deal anymore. T-Rex was beautiful up close, and you were the closest anyone had ever come without being injured before.

Yes, you had a gift, and so you were sure that you used it.

Creatures that were terrifying to approach appeared to become kittens in your presence. Until that fateful day in July, a day you will never forget.

It was a real scorcher, the sun beating down ceaselessly- not a puff of cloud in the bright blue sky. You'd forgone the light jacket this morning, opting for shorts and your work button up.

It had been a normal morning. As odd as it may sound to outsiders, the Dinos had routine check ups that needed to be performed and today was the start of the Dilophosaurus sweep through. The horribly poisonous things had given you a few problems in the past, and they seemed to be the only ones that weren't the best listeners.

So, as you were finishing on the fourth Dilo of the morning, you heard a familiar voice from behind.

"Hey Doc," Owen Grady says, and you can just hear the smile on his face.

"Mr. Grady? To what do I owe this pleasure?" You turn around, looking at him as you prepare a vaccine for the next Dilo.

"Charlie's... Well, I'd like you to come take a look at her."

"Is something wrong?" You ask, a dread-like feeling welling up inside of you. Owen would usually just call in a vet to look at his raptors, and yet he'd walked across the compound to get you personally.

"She's acting pretty strange," he struggles for words,"it's really something that you just have to see to understand."

"Alright," you agree, ready to walk back through the cage door to give the Dilo their shot, "As soon as I'm done with this Dino here, I'll be right over."

You try not to think about the way he's waiting for you outside the cage. The man was gorgeous, as every woman on the island knew- and along with that dazzling smile went a just as gorgeous personality. And he really cared about his dinosaurs- something you could relate to.

Distracted by the way the sun was shining over Owen's impressive arms, you did not notice that the Dilo had begun to hunch into it's fighting stance. Your assistant was supposed to warn you about these things, but- as usual, her head was in the clouds, talking with Owen- and didn't see the signs either.

It began to charge you, the needle gleaming in your hand as the sun bounced off the shiny sticker. You back into the wall of the cage, the plexiglass there keeping you from going any further. It had been a while since a dinosaur had turned on you, and you had to say that it never got any easier when they did.

Holding in a scream, the Dilophosaurus extends it's frill readying itself for its first spit. You close your eyes tightly, reasoning with yourself that this is it. This Dilo is going to spit on you and you're going to be paralyzed for the rest of your life- if you live long enough for that. It may decide to immediately eat you instead.

You hear it's paws crunch on the mess of twigs and dirt below, its squealing shriek piercing your ears, and you can't help it. You let out a scream. Your hands start shaking with unused adrenaline- you have no where to go, the door is on the other side.

Eyes still closed, you pray that it'll be painless.

Why were you so stupid that you didn't even bother sedating the Dilo first? Why had the mighty dinosaur queen gotten so cocky as to think she couldn't be hurt?

Tears run down your cheeks as the Dilo's hot breath skims your face. It won't be long now.

In the back of your mind you hear your assistant screaming also, and alarm going off to call in security. And... A door opening?

Before you realize what is happening, two arms envelope your body. It's a strong hold as it lifts you from your fetal position against the wall. You curl into the embrace, trying to stop the sobs wracking your frame as the Dilophosaurus screams at your escort.

You feel him running, hear a door slamming closed and the loud sound of something hitting plexiglass. It takes a moment to realize that the Dilo has tried to spit on the two of you, right through the door of the cage.

Breathing in deeply, your rescuer places your feet back on solid ground, but you don't want to let go. Listening to the slowing beat of his heart was calming you more quickly than if you were without it.

"(Y/n), are you okay?" He asks, hugging you tightly to him.

You suppress a leftover sob, forcing yourself to calm down. The last thing you wanted was to vomit all over Owen's shoes. You burrow into his shirt, taking deep, slow breaths. He smelled like the afternoon breeze.

His grip loosens, and you begin to hear your assistant tell the security to come and return the Dilo to its habitat over the intercom system.

You pull away, looking up into his eyes, and croak out, "Thank you, Owen."

But before he gets the time to respond, you've covered his lips with your own, relishing the taste of oranges on his breath. It shocks you to your toes, this underlying feeling that this was somehow right. This was the most natural thing in the world.

But you pull away almost as quickly as you had initiated it, eyes snapping open to gauge his reaction. His eyes were still closed, brows furrowed together.

You take the moment to steel yourself, wipe away your tears and straighten your clothes.

As his eyes begin to open, you smile shyly and say, "Let's go have a look at Charlie, shall we?"

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