Chapter twelve

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I shut the door and pressed my back against it. I kissed Darry for the second time. It felt like I was going to through up butterflies and I was actually excited to go to bed to see him tomorrow.
The buzzing from my clock woke me up and sun was beginning to rise through my window. I sat up opening the blinds and making my bed, it was 6:00 in the morning and Monday. Damn it. I threw my door opened and went into Elle's bedroom, she was asleep on her stomach and drooling.
"Elle, time to get up," I said in her ear rubbing her back.
"Good morning KK," Elle said sitting up and beginning to make her bed.
I headed towards Bri's room and she was already awake and in bed reading.
"How long have you been up Bri," I said sitting on her bed.
She closed her book as she said, "Not long, I heard you go outside last night. Nightmare?"
"Yea it wasn't as bad I'll tell you about it later."
"Okkkkk," Bri said stretching and I got up heading towards the kitchen. I made the girls some scrambled eggs with cheese and toast with peanut butter spread on it. After doing that I packed each of them their water bottle, a sandwich, some fruit and chips.
"Girls breakfast!!!!" I yelled and went to my room to get ready.
"How are you so hyper in the mornings," Bri said putting on a flannel and rubbing her eyes.
"Come onnnnn just be glad I don't drink coffee," I said looking through my closet.
"Oh God if you did that you would be the death of me," Elle said walking to the bathroom.
I threw on some jean shorts, a black t shirt and my boots then headed to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair which formed loose curls from curling it last night. I didn't bother to put makeup on as I only did for special occasions. After putting deodorant and perfume on I walked into the kitchen where the girls were eating. It was 6:45 and school started at 7:30 so we had time to kill.
I went back to my room to grab my tote bag and packed the essentials my song book, chap stick, wallet and guitar of course. I walked back into the kitchen where the girls had just finished eating and were washing up their plates. It was now 7:05 and we had to get going.
"Alright girls are you readyyyyy. Make sure you have your lunch and a jacket," I said heading toward the door.
"We got everything mommmm," Bri said sarcastically.
"Watch it missy," I said snapping my fingers.
The three of us laughed and walked out to the car I threw my guitar case in the back seat next to Elle's things and before I got in I heard the familiar voice of Darry Curtis.
"Well hello ladies," he said walking to the car with Steve and Soda.
"Hey good looking how ya doing," I said smiling.
Darry smiled and said, "Well aren't you hyper in the morning."
"She doesn't even drink coffeeeee," Elle said hanging out the window.
Darry smile and said, "I'll let y'all get going Johnny and Pony want to meet the girls at school they just started walking there."
"Alright well have a good day Darry I'll see you later," giving him a smile and walking to the car.
He walked back to the direction of his house and I blushed. Elle and Bri looked at me and they knew something was up.

I'll Stay With You-Darry Curtis Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now