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I fly down the street on my purple and red skateboard. I'm almost blinded by the flash of paparazzi cameras.

I do what I do best, what they hate. They also lowkey eat it up.

I flip them off and stick my tongue out.

I'm kinda known for not taking shit from them. I can't be bothered to care. I flirt with who I want, talk to who I want, ignore who I can.

I'm nice to everyone else though.

I kinda have a mixed reputation.

"Y/n! Can we ask you a question?" It's two kids. I stop by them.

"Yeah! What's up?" I smile.

"What's it like being constantly in the public eye? What's your advice?" A girl asks.

"Okay, first-people like you two, who are now my favorites, are the best. Everyone else is kinda mean." I laugh.

"My advice? Don't take anything from anyone. Do it for the plot." I skate away.


I get to the film set.

I'm currently in a series called 'New kid on the block' I'm playing the main girl Roxie, who moves to a completely new state. 

It focuses on her and her friend's neighborhood shenanigans. She's kinda spunky and stuff.

When I arrive at set I'm greeted by Tony, our director.

We're only on episode two, so today I get to meet all the neighborhood friends.

"You ready to meet everyone? There's a group of them in there. One I want you to bond with in particular is Walker. He's got the uh...the curly hair. Blonde" Tony explains.

"Got it, thanks dude." I head into the break room.

"Y/N!" My best friend McKenna throws herself onto me. It gets me on the floor.

"KENNA!" I hug her back.

She helps me up. "Eek! I'm so excited." She jumps up and down.

"Me too! Eek!" I look around at the other kids talking.

Only three. One I know.

Momona, we've met before on the set of the babysitters club. 

She's talking to who must be Walker. "Hi Momoma!" I say.

"Oh, hi y/n." She says quickly and goes back to talking with the two boys.

McKenna and I side eye eachother.

"Oh, hi!" A boy tells me. He's got curly black hair. 

"Hi, I'm y/n. What's your name?" I ask.

"Oh, I know. You're kinda like a big deal. It's cool. Teach me how to fend off the paparazzi pleaseeee!" We both laugh.

"Oh, I'm Aryan by the way!" He giggles.

He elbows Walker.

"Oh! I'm Sorry! That was rude of me. I'm Walker. Walker Scobell for long." He offers a small smile.

"Don't apologize you're fine bro. I'm y/n." He nods, but keeps looking at me.

He's cute.

"Wonderful, we've all met now!" Momona claps her hands excitedly.

"Anyways, Walker, as I was saying-" she takes him back into the conversation.

That was a little weird.

"Okay! Walker, Y/n. Go ahead and get in costume for me." Jessie, one of Tony's assistants tells us.

She walks out. Walker and I head for the door. I hold it open for him, as I get there first.

"Oh, thank you." He hurries through.

I close it. "So...what's up?" I laugh at bit at the awkwardness.

"Oh...uh...not-not much." He says.

"I'm so sorry to be rude, but did I make you uncomfortable or something? You seem like...uncomfortable." I ask.

"Oh! No, no not at all. I'm just uh kinda shy I guess." He looks down.

"Let's work on that then. What's your favorite color?" I ask him.

"Oh, blue for sure." He tells me. "You?"

"Oh, ____ 100%." I tell him.

"Sick." He nods.

"Favorite superhero?" I ask.

He turns to me. "Batman!"

"Oh my gosh. He's definitely one of mine too. He has a no kill policy, which I can get behind. It's also so smart of the creators, because then the joker can come back!" I say.

"Did you know that in one series he's in love with-" 

We say it in sync "Cat woman?!" We laugh

"And they have a kid together!" He says.

"It's insane!" I respond.

We walk in silence for a second

 "I honestly did not expect that."

"I'm full of surprises." I wink and he laughs at me.

Loosen up! (A Walker Scobell x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin