Welcome to Disney Town

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Ventus and Hikari arrived at Disney Town and looked around. Everything was all zany and cartoony there.

"This place sure is cartoony here," Hikari said, looking around.

Just then... a giant cat with a white costume and a red cape appeared out of nowhere, surprising Ventus and Hikari. "Tada! Wearin' the mask of peace and hope...comes the fearless defender and hero of this town! It is me—Captain Justice!"

"Say what now?" Hikari was confused.

Ventus was about to speak up just as Captain Justice walked up to him and Hikari. "Hey kiddos! Do my hero-senses detect that you got troubles? Just say the word, and Captain Justice will make all your problems disappear!"

"Wh-who, us?" Ventus asked. "I'm just trying to make some friends—"

Hikari nods. "And why would we— Never mind, forget it."

"Don't be intimidated by my magnificence," Captain Justice said to the two. "Go on and spit it out. Then...remember to vote Captain J."

Ventus was confused. "Vote?"

"You expect us to vote for you, captain chubby?" Hikari remarked sarcastically.

"Oh! Well, uh, forget that," Captain Justice said nervously. "How can I help? That's the only reason I'm here."

Ventus and Hikari thought about it and looked around to see decorations that they've never seen before. "I know! Tell us about your town," Ventus told Captain Justice.

Hikari nodded. "I agree. Everything's so festive. Is it always like this?"

"Huh? That's it—nothin' else?" Captain Justice looked surprised. Then, he explained about the decorations. "Well, the festivities are on account of the Dream Festival—which is why I've made sure there's carnival stuff all over town."

"Really?" Ventus said.

"Like what exactly?" Hikari asked.

Captain Justice laughed. "Ho ho, you gotta see it for yourselves. Wouldn't be much of a dream if I just told youse."

"Right. Thanks," Ventus smiled a little.

"Yeah, thank you," Hikari said.

"And kids, don't you go forgettin'...Captain Justice is the one who solved all your problems," the giant cat reminded the two. "That would be Justice with a J."

"Uh, sure," Ventus said.

"We got it, Captain Justice," Hikari said.

Then, they heard an unfamiliar voice. "Aww, phooey! This stinks! Now we can't open the ice cream shop!"

They turned around to see three little ducks and a mouse in a dress. The mouse looked just like Mickey.

"Trouble?" Captain Justice looked surprised and walked over to the ducks and a mouse. "Rescue is on the way!"

"A festival, huh?" Ventus looked at Hikari. "Well, maybe we can make some new friends."

"I agree," Hikari said, looking at the mouse. "That mouse in a dress looked just like Mickey."

Ventus smiled. "You know Mickey?"

"Yeah," Hikari said. "He's the one that Aqua and I met in Radiant Garden. You know him too?"

Ventus nods. "I met him when he and I fought the masked boy."

"Well, we're gonna talk about Vanitas later," Hikari said. "Right now. Let's go see what Captain Justice is up to."

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