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We See Izuku Training with Guns as he's Landing his shots well when natasha and Steve comes in 

Steve: Good News Izuku

Izuku: whats that 

Steve: Your an Official Avenger

Izuku: Awesome 

Natasha: But you need a New Hero Suit and Name 

Izuku: Shit....I Got it give me an Hour 

Everyone Nodded and Izuku went to Tony's Office

Izuku: hey Tony

Tony: Yo

Izuku: Got Bullet Proof Armour 

Tony: I'm Iron Man of course 

Izuku: Great Now I Was wondering If You can help me with this *Shows Design* 

Tony: Yea I can but wouldn't you want something more.....Heavy hitting

Izuku: Only if Needed 

Tony: How about this 

Izuku and Tony made designes as they were smirking and we cut to Natasha

Bucky: so you falling for the new Guy

Natasha: Well he is Cute

Bucky: You should ask him out 

Steve: But Take your Time 

Natasha:.....You place bets didn't you

Bucky: Yes Natasha sighed as Izuku Came out and everyone saw him

Bucky: Yes Natasha sighed as Izuku Came out and everyone saw him

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Izuku: Ready to fuck up Some Villains

Bucky: Wow 

Natasha: Not bad Kid 

Steve: Smart too

Tony: That's not the only thing *Clicks button*

Tony: That's not the only thing *Clicks button*

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Izuku: yep made for some of the Heavy Hitters 

Steve: Lets go test Your Skills there's Something going down at a Warehouse

Izuku: lets go

They went to the Where house and as Izuku went in Guns Blazing wiping out the Villains who turned out to be sex Traffickers and IZuku Was Blowing Heads off and Spraying bullets surprising everyone  and when they got back to base

Bucky: Your badass Kid 

Natasha: I can Agree

Izuku: Thanks.....Hey Uhhhh Natasha

Natasha: yea

Izuku: You Uhhh wanna Go out this saturday 

Natasha: *SMirks* Sure Kid *Kisses his cheek*

Natasha went to his room as Tony Spoke

Tony: Make sure to wear a condom

Izuku: TONY 

The Avengers were laughing as AFO was watching the news from America

Reporter: Tonights Brutal Shoot out came with the New man wearing a Mask and a Trench coat his name is Punisher here is what he said tonight

Punisher: for any Villain Out there who isn't willing to change or become good You better start counting your days Because I'm COming for all of I will not stop till your all dead 

AFO: another Hero who is die 

Shigaraki: yea but there's something familiar about him

AFO: It's probably nothing 

They Nodded and went to do their own things





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