2 - Knife

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"If this is love that will vanish someday, just kiss me for now..."

"やがて 移ろう想いならば今だけ 今だけ 今だけ くちづけて"


No main ship (ik the quote kinda says otherwise but whatever)

"Riiiin!! Wait up!"

"Heck no! I'm not just let you win!" Rin quickly ran from her brother, making sure he was far enough from her to reach the goal before making it to the finish before him. "Hey that's no fair! You're older so you can run faster!!" The little boy argued, though in truth he was just salty about losing the race.

"Wh- I-I'm only what- like-? 3 minutes older than you!" Rin argued back, causing the two twins to start their usual bickering again. Luckily for them this made it a lot easier for Miku to find them through the loud festival crowds. "Guys!! Hey! Over here!!" The small girl called to the twins though her attempts didn't do anything. This didn't stop her however, actually sparking an idea to get the sibling's attention.

"...Well maybe it's just because you're short!"

"I AM NOT SHORT!!" The two blondes continued to fight in the crowd, barely listening to anything going on around them. It wasn't long before Miku could carry out her pla-

"BOO!!" She suddenly jumped out from some nearby bushes, clinging onto Rin's back in a tight hug. Though it was slightly difficult with her yukata on, "AAAA- M-Miku!?! Jeez don't scare me like that! You're lucky I didn't hit you!!" Rin scolded the blue haired girl, though still letting her hang on her back. "Yeah yeah whatever..anyways hi Len!"

"Hi Miku!" The little boy gave Miku a small wave, not thinking twice about his sister who was still basically carrying the slightly taller girl. "u- Wow! And now I'm not even here!" She started to get a bit more aggravated by both Miku and Len suddenly ignoring her. "Oh come on! I bet you're just jealous that she's not giving you any attention!" The claim immediately made the both the girls blush which Len couldn't really tell if it was because they were angry or embarrassed, or both? "A-Am not!!"

"Are too!!"

"O-okay y'know I think that's enough arguing for today! Besides the festivals gonna end pretty soon and I'm not missing this years taiyaki because of your guy's bickering!" Miku suddenly raised her voice at the twins, quickly making them quit the arguing. "Sorry Miku..." The twins apologized in unison, neither actually being sorry. "Good, now c'mon we've got food to eat!" Miku blurted out while finally letting Rin put her down. 

"You do know there's more to do other than eat right?" Rin questioned, sure she knew her friend like the back of her hand but she never really understood her rather- strange priorities. "Yeah but that stuff can wait." The taller girl spoke again, "I mean I'm pretty hungry too so-"

"Alright then let's go!!" Miku then quickly started to run into the crowd, almost losing Rin and Len in the process. "Oh come on! Not this again!!" Len started to complain before running off with Miku and his sister.



6 years later

"H-Hello? Hellooo?" Len called out to the empty void of the cave before slowly stepping inside, being careful to watch where he was going.  He carried nothing much on him other than a small torch that was on the verge of burning out at any moment. Luckily he wouldn't need it for long since there seemed to be a light near the end of the hollow tunnel, the light glowing a soft purple at end of the cave. "Come...this way..." A voice breathed out from the end of the tunnel, just barely loud enough to be heard.

"Wh- H-hello?" The blonde called out again, hoping there was actually someone in the cave. Even if he really should've taken it as a sign to leave, he found the voice strangely calming. The light got brighter as he took each step, eventually leading him to an abandoned katana. It laid on the side of the wall, the purple aura of light radiating off it in a memorizing way. The blonde only stared at it in amazement. The light hypnotizing him to grab the katana to inspect it up close but the longer he stared at it, the more he started to lose his consciousness. He slowly started to hear the voice from before getting louder in his head, "let the katana carry you...Let the katana carry you...Let the katana carry you...

Eventually the purple glow gets transferred over from the katana to the boy's eyes, making him loose his conscious before quickly falling to his knees and passing out.

The katana's reign has only just begun...


I FINALLY (kinda) FINISHED THIS FUCKER AFTER LIKE 8329 YEARS!! My ass couldn't find itself finishing this so Im just gonna split it into hopefully only two parts

words: 794👀

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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