Going Back

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Within days, Angel was mostly healed and ready to go back to work. Valentino was blowing up his phone and stalking outside the hotel nearly 24/7 but Alastor kept him at bay. It also helped that their contact only gave Val control over him in the studio, making it very hard to force him out of the hotel. All the others there were fighting to keep him from going back, but he knew the longer he waited, the worse the punishment would be.

"Val?" He called, tip-toeing into a dark studio. It looked as if a tornado blew through, proof that the moth demon was pissed. Shattered glass and broken equipment littered the ground, ripped clothes and blood mixed into the mess. Valentino had raged the whole time Angel had been gone, and his nerves spiked with each step he took into the destroyed room.
All of sudden the lights flicked on, blinding and stunning Angel long enough for multiple demons to blind and gag him. He didn't struggle, he was prepared for a punishment, and let them drag him to their destination. They threw him to the floor and yanked off the blindfold, revealing a fuming Val glowering at him from a lofty seat.

"Welcome back, whore," he hissed, his antenna twitching with anger, "Have a nice break?" Angle gulped down his terror to keep from shaking and kept silent, knowing any sudden moves would set him off.

"Nothing to say?" He stood, circling the cowering spider, and blew a smoke chain around his neck, "You certainly had a lot to say when your little friends KICKED ME OUT OF YOUR DAMN HIDEOUT!"

Val smacked Angel in the face with enough force to send him flying, only to yank him back by the throat. Tears streamed down Angle's face, his eye and cheek heating up as blood rushed to the swelling bruise.

"I'm sorry, Val!" He cried, choking through the shackle cutting off his air supply, "It wasn't my choice!"

"I've KILLED bitches HALF as famous as you for a FRACTION of the DISRESPECT YOU HAVE SHOWN ME!" Valentino threw Angel to the floor, stamping a heeled foot onto his back and cackling as he held a gun to his head. "At least I'll get to live stream you one last time as I FUCK YOUR DEAD HUSK!"

Angel braced himself at the click of Val loading his revolver. He knew it would end this way, he sealed his fate when he signed that deal and was ready for death a long time ago. Time slowed and in the milliseconds he had left, Angel silently thanked Charlie and the hotel for not giving up on him and apologized to his sister, Molly, for not being able to see her again. One last tear fell from Angel's eye and he let himself go limp, at peace. He didn't even flinch when the shot rang from Valentino's gun.

(Sorry it's short, I haven't worked on this in a while and am getting back into the story)

For You, My Dear, Anything (Radiodust)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon